Pronoun lockdown: Almost half of millennials want jail time for misgendering someone

A recent survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek, found that a at among those aged between 25-34, 44 percent of millennials (between ages 25-34) favor criminal charges for people who use the wrong pronouns for others or so-called “misgendering.” We have previously discussed how misgendering is now a crime in countries like Great Britain. Misgendering has been referred to as an “act of violence” at some U.S. universities.


There has been a concern that we are seeing the rise of a generation of censors, who have been taught since a young age that speech is harmful and even violent.

Yet, hate speech is protected in the United States. Given that fact, it is astonishing to claim that a pronoun violation could lead to incarceration. Only 31 percent of the millennials disagreed with the proposition.

They are not alone.

[The inmates have run the asylum for long enough. ~ Beege]

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