The Biden administration is breaking its word to the American public by ignoring the text of the #InflationReductionAct to pursue its radical climate agenda. Let me be clear: if this continues, I'll do everything in my power to stop them — including voting to repeal the IRA.
— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) April 25, 2023
[Who does Manchin think he’s fooling? He can’t repeal the IRA, because it would take 60 votes plus Biden’s signature to repeal it. Manchin knows this; he just thinks the rest of us don’t. Manchin got what he wanted out of it; Democrats got a legislative win ahead of the midterms, and Manchin got a reprieve from attacks by progressives and likely a pledge to support him in 2024 for either another run at the Senate or for governor in WV. — Ed]
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