A measure that would allow multiple occupancy public restrooms to be labeled gender-neutral was passed by the Illinois House on Thursday with the bare minimum of votes.
The bill, which now moves to the Senate, would allow restrooms with two or more toilets to be available to all genders. It would amend the Equitable Restroom Act of 2019, which required all single-occupancy public restrooms to be available to all genders.
“The bill does not require gender-neutral bathrooms,” Rep. Katie Stuart, an Edwardsville Democrat who was the first sponsor of the bill, said. “Builders would choose what bathroom facilities to offer, and would be required to meet appropriate standards for toilet and urinal privacy.”
[Between this pressing matter and the state flag redesign, I’m so glad things are perky enough in Illinois they have nothing better to worry about. Good for them. ~ Beege]
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