Survey: Americans are getting out more -- but cautiously

Less than a quarter of U.S. adults, 22%, now say they are completely or mostly isolating from non-household members. This figure, from Gallup's May 18-23 probability-based web panel survey, is down from 30% in April and 48% in January. Forty percent report still isolating partially or a little, while 38% -- easily the highest to date -- are making no attempt to isolate. By contrast, fully three in four Americans in April 2020 said they were completely or mostly isolating, with only 3% not isolating at all... Consumer trips to various types of stores are becoming more frequent -- 60% say they have visited a grocery store in the past day, 35% have visited another type of store, and 24% a pharmacy. All three figures are up six percentage points from April. The percentage visiting a grocery store has risen from 44% at the start of the pandemic to 60%. Thirteen percent visited other types of stores as well as pharmacies in March 2020, whereas today these figures are 35% and 24%, respectively.

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