A republic cannot survive the ignorance of its citizens

But it is our public education system that is the single most influential government institution in America. Civics has nearly disappeared as a force and where American history is taught with much vigor it is often repackaged as a dark legend of social injustice. Rather than schools teaching young Americans about their birthright of freedom and the responsibilities that come with it, they are often told that this great enterprise was shamefully born and shamefully conducted. What’s the point of being a good citizen in a wicked nation?


Meanwhile, many voices on the right tell the young people of America that our nation’s best days are behind us. The same kind of nihilistic thinking that suckered Trump’s election lies will not do when it comes to educating young people about the state of things in America today. The rueful, resentful pessimism voiced by many on the nationalist right is poison to good citizenship and a terrible example for the young people in whose hands we place the future.

But then again, what would you expect from a political class that has no qualms about dumping a $27.8 trillion debt right in the laps of their descendants?

Many failures led us to this fretful past, but it is hard to think of one defect that has done more to endanger our future than the failure of our educational system, especially as it relates to government and history. We can’t help but wonder what all those billions of dollars spent to win one election would do if they were devoted instead to raising up a new generation of educated, engaged patriots. You can buy a Senate seat, yes, but you can also buy instruction and education, too.


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