Priebus fires back at Limbaugh: "Completely false" to say GOP is anti-conservative

RNC Chair Reince Priebus pushed back at Rush Limbaugh‘s accusation yesterday that the Republican Party is trying to push out all the conservatives.

Limbaugh was so worked up by Nikki Haley swiping at Donald Trump in her State of the Union response, he declared that proof of how “the Republican Party’s trying to drive conservatives out of the party.”


On CNN this afternoon, Jake Tapper asked Priebus about this and whether it’s a problem that the most influential conservative radio host in the country is saying something like this.

Priebus responded, “It’s completely false and, you know, there’s no base in fact of it.” He insisted that the GOP needs to be united and get its act together in the name of beating the Democrats on election day.

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