Chris Christie: These gun-control proposals are nothing but "cotton candy" for liberals

“What Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama propose is cotton candy. … It has no relationship to anything that will help to make the body of the country safer or better,” the Republican presidential candidate said in a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt on Friday. “Just like eating cotton candy, nothing good for the body, just makes you feel good for a couple of minutes.”


Christie accused President Obama of trying to use this week’s attack on the San Bernardino facility as “an excuse for greater gun control” and said the attack, which was carried out by a husband-wife team, is proof that he was right when he said that no Syrian refugees — not even women or orphaned children — should be allowed into the U.S.

“We now know from San Bernardino, just a couple of days ago, that women are very capable of being involved in terrorist activity,” Christie told a forum of Americans for Peace Prosperity and Security in Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Friday. “And the widow who comes over here from Syria, if aligned with ISIS or another organization, could create just as much death as any man given the weapons that are available now.”

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