U.S. releases contents of Bin Laden's English-language "bookshelf"

“In terms of the materials that are there, some of the things that we’ve found to be of note were that Bin Laden was probably an avid conspiracy theorist,” the senior intelligence official said in a phone call. “Of the 38 full length English language books he had in his possession, about half of them were conspiracy theory books” about the Illuminati, Freemasons, and other conspiracy topics. Texts listed on the “bookshelf” include Bloodlines of the Illuminati by the American conspiracy theorist Fritz Springmeier; The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11, by the 9/11 conspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin; materials from Congressional hearings about Project MKUltra, the so-called “mind control” program conducted by the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s; and The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, a book by the Holocaust denier and anti-Semite Eustace Mullins.


The list also includes several resources about France and its economy, as well as maps of Iranian nuclear sites.

Intriguingly, the list includes “Is It the Heart You Are Asking?” by Dr. Islam Sobhi al-Mazeny, which is a suicide prevention guide. According to the senior intelligence official, analysts do not believe that this belonged to bin Laden himself, but instead that it was intended “for use with one of his own family members who also lived on the compound.”

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