Obama to Israel: You're on your own

It’s no secret the Israelis don’t want to strike Iran either, provided the U.S. is serious about keeping a bomb out of the mullahs’ hands. But Israel’s confidence in Mr. Obama’s seriousness is fading fast. This week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Bloomberg Radio that “we’re not setting deadlines” for Iran to halt its program. …


That prompted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to note that “those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.” …

Late Tuesday the White House issued a statement saying the two leaders had talked and denying any snub. But the message that’s reaching Jerusalem these days is closer to “you’re on your own, pal” than to “we’ve got your back.” Israel will have to factor that into its security calculations as it contemplates whether to act against Iran, and when.

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