“It is not unprecedented at all for the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional, they do that on a regular basis so it’s not unprecedented at all,” Smith told FOX Radio. “What is unprecedented is for the President of the United States trying to intimidate the Supreme Court.
“He should not be in any shape, form threatening the Supreme Court and making statements that are inappropriate or deemed trying to intimidate the Supreme Court.”
Utah Republican Senator Orrin Hatch also released a statement blasting Obama’s comments.
“It must be nice living in a fantasy world where every law you like is constitutional and every Supreme Court decision you don’t is ‘activist,'” Hatch said. “The President can try to blame the Supreme Court and the American people for their rejection of his signature domestic achievement, but he really has no one to blame but himself for enacting a law that effectively removes any limits on the power of the federal government.”
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