I have asked employers in my state what it would take to help them add jobs. No matter their business or the size of their work force, they tell me that Washington must stop imposing crushing new regulations.
America needs a “time-out” from the regulations that discourage job creation and hurt our economy. I have introduced legislation to impose a one-year moratorium on any “significant” new rules that would have an adverse impact on jobs, the economy, or America’s international competitiveness. A one-year moratorium on such regulations is a common-sense solution that would help create jobs.
Under my bill, certain rules would be exempt from the moratorium: those that are needed in emergencies, such as to respond to imminent threats to public health or safety, and those affecting crime, the military and foreign affairs. My bill also excludes rules that would reduce the regulatory burden on the private sector. Unfortunately, those rules that actually reduce regulatory burdens and promote jobs are few and far between.
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