
The Sunday Shows Hitting the Panic Button

Townhall Media

Last week, the talk of regime media was the set of Bloomberg swing state polls, which showed a reversal of the narrative they were desperate to report - that Joe Biden was closing on Donald Trump. Bloomberg's polling, in all seven of the swing states, instead indicated Trump widened the gap. 

Two more polls fed the coverage of this past weekend's Sunday shows. CBS News/YouGov came out with a survey of registered voters that showed bad numbers overall for President Biden. But especially on the economy, the perception by an increasing margin is that life was a lot better under Donald Trump than it is currently under Biden. Keep in mind the mantra of James Carville back in 1992 when Bill Clinton burst onto the public scene: It's the economy, stupid.

Anthony Salvanto joined Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation to discuss the takeaways to their most recent poll.

Meanwhile, CNN worked with SRSS and released the results of their new poll, which debuted on Inside Politics. Here's Manu Raju with the topline of this survey of registered voters.

The polling is just awful for an incumbent president going into May of an election year, and this is with registered voters. Surveys should be appearing soon of likely voters, and those numbers will probably be worse. 

Our friend Guy Benson did a deep dive into the cross-tabs of the CNN poll, and on two particular sets of data points, it's hard to understate how bad the outlook is for Democrats.

In Politico six weeks ago, the subject of double haters, and whether they'd be a factor in 2024, was discussed. For perspective on Guy's point about that group breaking for Joe Biden in 2020, here's what that looked like.

Back then, Trump won a bigger share of the double haters than Hilary Clinton, outperforming her by about 17 percentage points amongst the group that made up 18 percent of the electorate. Biden turned the tables in 2020 and won the group by 15 percentage points (granted, they only made up about 3 percent of the electorate then, according to exit polling)

Standard caveats apply. It's one poll, it's CNN, and there's a long way to go until November. But this is just grisly. In 2020, 3% of the electorate who fell in the 'pox on both houses' camp voted by 15 points for Joe Biden. Today, that 3% of the electorate has swollen to 20%, and in a 30-point swing are leaning towards Trump by 15 points. 

The other data subset of note is on the Israel-Hamas war. Biden's initial instinct after October 7th was to offer unconditional support of Israel...until the antisemites grew more vocal and polling out of Michigan went south. Biden immediately wobbled, attempting to implement some weird Democratic Party version of a two-state solution, where he would still support Israel enough to send weapons, but try to undermine them at every turn, cut their legs out at the United Nations, and demand a ceasefire that would only ensure the war takes longer than otherwise necessary. 

And what has Biden gained out of trying to be all things to both Jewish-American Democrats and the antisemitic fever swamp? Absolutely nothing. He's become, to quote Loudon Wainwright, III, the proverbial dead skunk in the middle of the road. More analysis from Guy Benson.

The stunner to me is that the numbers Biden is turning in on Israel is virtually the same among Republicans and young voters that tend to vote Democratic. Republicans are at (13/87), 18-34 year-olds are (19/81). And independents are virtually identical to the country at large, according to the CNN poll. Biden is upside down with indies (27/73), compared to the country overall, (28/71). And with the continuing outbursts on college and university campuses all over the country, that number is not going to improve for the Democrats. 

So you might be someone out there who might say the polls are never accurate, and we're getting our hopes up. Fair point. How many times in prior years have we warned not to trust in the polls? Here's my counter. It's not just me who is thinking there are too many polls showing the same dissatisfaction with Joe Biden among the American electorate, and discount them all. George Stephanopoulos on This Week, ABC's Sunday show, began with this.

Gee, I wonder which candidate the former Clinton campaign communications director, the one who created the legendary War Room to handle the bimbo eruptions after the randy Arkansan's extramarital indiscretions, is favoring? 

This commentary, of course, is nothing short of an in-kind campaign donation to Joe Biden. But listen to the panic in his rhetoric. It seems pretty clear that George thinks the polling isn't too far off if he's adopting the 'democracy is at stake' fearmongering and excoriating his colleagues in media, and the viewing audience, to do better at working against Donald Trump. 

Biden, for his part, continue to decline in front of our very eyes, which is making it harder for regime media to drag him across the finish line. Last Thursday at the White House, in an outdoor event, the President welcomed, and briefly spoke, to the Wounded Vets Bike Ride, something that George W. Bush actually participated in as commander-in-chief. Biden, of course, cannot be trusted anymore on a bicycle with cameras turned on after his crash during a press avail in Delaware back in June, 2022. 

He's more feeble now than he was then. 

Someone in attendance whipped out their cellphone to record the President's remarks to the vets. The only problem? The vets on the bicycles were behind him. It took his wife, Dr. Jill Dr. Biden, PhD, an educational doctor, I'm told, to literally interrupt him, turn him around, and point out where the actual vets on bicycles were. 

Little remarked by regime media, but often mocked amongst conservatives, was Joe Biden's disaster of an interview with Howard Stern last week. Included amidst a dozen whoppers the President told or retold was this one about his late son, Beau. 

As this montage video shows, he's told this one a few times, too. It appears that Joe believes Beau returned home from combat in Iraq with stage 4 cancer after exposure to burn pits, and died 19 months later. Major Beau Biden of the Delaware Army National Guard was indeed in Iraq in a non-combat role as a lawyer for a year, in 2008. He did not return from Iraq with stage-4 glioblastoma. He instead ran, won, and served a second term as attorney general of Delaware. He was hospitalized in 2010 with a small stroke, but no cancer was detected. He was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2013, five years after his return from Iraq, and died a year and a half later. A tragedy to be sure, as Beau seemed to be the only male Biden not a serial fabulist, not corrupt, and not drug-addled. The chronology of his demise, however, does not at all comport with the timeline stuck in Joe Biden's head. In fact, as Will Cain and Pete Hegseth document on Fox, the fables in Joe Biden's head are crowding out reality. 

At least Biden has the A-Team of social media influencers to help him out. In a dig at South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who will not be auditioning for the remake of Turner and Hooch, let alone Ol' Yeller, anytime soon, Harry Sisson tried to use Noem's canine cancel to make Biden look good. Mary Katherine Ham naturally dragged him before he realized what he'd done. 

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