
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus, but...

(AP Photo/Andres Kudacki, File)

…You’re Not Allowed To Hear Christmas Music On School Buses Anymore. And for that matter, hosers, if you happen to be in Canada, don’t be in too big a hurry to show your Christmas spirit at the mall, either.

I’m not sure I like the phrase the War on Christmas. I’m pretty convinced I didn’t like the War on Drugs, either, because it never truly resembled a war, and we certainly didn’t seem to be fighting it very effectively if it was a war. Now that we are actually seeing what war looks like in Southern Israel since October 7th, and after almost two years of war crimes in Ukraine at the hands of the Russians, calling a campaign a war on something or another doesn’t seem terribly appropriate.

But here we are, a week out from the most joyous day on the Christian calendar, the day that is recognized and celebrated to be the birth of Chris. And in several “civilized” parts of the world, the witting or unwitting attempts to minimize and/or remove Christmas from its pedestal continues unabated.

Last Friday, the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District put out a memo to all personnel, but specifically to bus drivers taking the kiddies to and from school every day.

In short, it means take your ho, ho, ho’s, your Merry Christmases, your Happy Chanukahs, your little plastic Christmas tree on the dash, any lights, Christmas music played over the speakers, and stuff it. This is public school. We don’t do that here. And by here, we’re talking about the southeast corner of the Keystone States, just across the Delaware River from New Jersey. It’s also the same school district that offered this memo up just six months ago.

Now I’m not saying that being gay, or whatever letter in the amalgam that represents whatever it is you want everyone else to recognize as being normal, is the same thing as a religion. It’s most definitely not. But believe it or not, there actually are Christians in this country who take pride in their particular faith, and want to celebrate in public who they are and in Whom they believe. We’re told that Pride month is about celebrating someone’s sexual preference and not getting in the way of that person’s public expression and pride in that sexual preference. If pride is the key delineator here on what conduct is being tolerated, they why can’t Christians demonstrate their pride?

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s staff is still currently cleaning and disinfecting both her chair and the dais in the Senate Judiciary Committee room after an anti-Semitic staffer that was in the employ of one of her colleagues, Maryland’s Ben Cardin, filmed himself, and his partner, having gay sex. This episode immediately followed an incident where this same staffer harassed Jewish House Representative Max Miller, who was on a live TV interview, with, “Free Palestine” taunts in the hall. The staffer has since been fired, which would certainly seem to have dampened his pride a bit.

As for the anti-Semitic harassment against a Jewish member of Congress, the House of Representatives voted to condemn anti-Semitism last week, although a plurality of Democratic members either voted to support anti-Semitism, voted present, meaning they wouldn’t take a public stand but didn’t want to be marked absent, or didn’t have the courage to even vote that they were there at all. Chuck Schumer has yet to bring the measure up for a vote in the Senate, so we don’t know where this staffer’s boss comes down on the issue.

My point is that you would think that a little common sense would come into play here. Kids on a school bus going to and from school don’t need to have rainbow clothes or symbols being displayed everywhere they look for a month, and being taught what it means and exactly what that lifestyle is all about. They just don’t. They can stick used gum under the seats or put in their air buds and pretend to be asleep so they don’t have to talk to anyone like normal kids do. If a bus driver wants to put on Christmas music, the odds are that most of the kids who don’t want to hear it will have something electronic in their ears playing something else, whether it loosely be described by today’s standards as music, video games, or TikTok videos. No one’s going to get offended by Der Bingle singing White Christmas.

Meanwhile, if you were beginning that last scramble to find the perfect Christmas gift for that special someone, and you were at the Eaton Centre Mall in Toronto over the weekend, you may have run into this ugliness.

Police? Oh, they were there. They were threatened, along with Christians, heathen shoppers, various and sundry Canadians, and the Mall’s Christmas tree. Arrests? Nope. This is Justin Trudeau’s Canada. They don’t do normalcy there anymore. It’s the San Francisco of the North.

The one point that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made from October 7th forward is that this war they’re fighting is the West’s war. Whether the West wants to acknowledge war has been declared on it is totally irrelevant. The people that committed the atrocities on Jews in Israel, the same ones that want to see more atrocities on Jews in Israel or wherever else in the world they happen to be, and the people that are protesting in the States, Canada, and Europe in solidarity with the terrorists, all of them have one thing in common. It doesn’t end with the extinction of the Jews. The Christians are next. This has always been so, and these radical Islamists have never hidden their objectives. You either practice their strain of Islam, or you’re dead. Jews first, Christians second, then whatever strain of Islam you happen to practice that doesn’t conform.

Christianity is an exclusive religion. You can’t be with God unless you join the club, and the bouncer to the club is Jesus Christ. The good news is that it’s pretty easy to get Him to admit you into the club, and you don’t even have to commit genocide to get in. You just have to believe He is who He says He is, and submit in prayer to there being a higher and better plan for your life than you ever imagined, and be guided by that plan rather than fight against it.

Yet our language has been turned on its head in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusiveness. “Liberal” societies are openly attempting to marginalize millions of people of faith from just living their lives like everyone else, because of their religious beliefs. It used to be that the West defended free expression of religion. In 2023, it looks a lot more like one religion, or one religion’s overzealous adherents, are feared, so they’re left alone. Everyone else, apparently, needs to just shut up and go away.

I say play the Christmas music. Wear the red and green sweaters. Decorate your classroom in lights if you wish. Pray for the lost souls trying to persecute you. They’re the ones that are in trouble in the long run, not you.

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HotAir Staff 12:15 PM | January 30, 2025