Are you ready for the inevitable "now it can be told" tomes from the media and from Biden administration insiders? Or both in combination, now that Joe Biden has safely doddered off the political stage, never to return. Presumably.
That description fits a new book coming out next week, previewed yesterday by The Guardian, co-authored by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes. Titled Fight: Inside the Wildest Battle for the White House, Allen and Parnes detail what happened in the general election last year when Biden was forced to withdraw after the exposure of his cognitive impairment. However, while both the White House and the Protection Racket Media kept insisting that Joe Biden was more vital than staffers half his age and "Sharp As A Tack®," Kamala Harris' staff had felt it necessary to draw up plans in 2022 in case Biden keeled over and died:
Citing two unnamed sources, authors Jonathan Allen’s and Amie Parnes’s account adds another twist to the torturous saga over the then president’s age and fitness that was not resolved until a disastrous debate against Donald Trump precipitated his exit in July 2024.
More startlingly still, the book also reports that aides to Kamala Harris, the vice-president who assumed the nomination then lost to Trump, “strategized around the possibility that Biden might die in office”.
Such planning was led by Jamal Simmons, Harris’s White House communications director, Parnes and Allen report, and went as far as the drawing up of a “death-pool roster” of federal judges who might swear Harris in.
Simmons “never told the vice president about the death-pool roster before leaving her camp in January 2023,” the authors write, “but he advised colleagues that he should be notified immediately if something happened to Biden, because he had worked out an entire communications strategy. And he left the spreadsheet with another Harris aide.”
Was this the kind of planning that takes place in every administration? Perhaps, but that kind of planning would normally involve the principals themselves. Donald Trump probably has already planned for that contingency or would at least have discussed it with J.D. Vance – especially after surviving two assassination attempts, one of which came less than an inch from succeeding. This effort, as described by Allen and Parnes, was conducted behind Joe Biden's back and allegedly behind Harris' as well. If Joe Biden was involved in that planning, it would not have been quarterbacked by Jamaal Simmons and operated out of the Vice President's office.
So, no, this is not business as usual. This took place in secret because everyone knew that Biden was neither "running rings around his staffers" nor "Sharp As A Tack®." Even while pushing that nonsense – and having the Protection Racket Media attack anyone who questioned it – Democrat insiders knew damned well that Biden wasn't up to this job for one term, let alone two.
But it wasn't just insiders in the White House and on Harris' staff either. Allen and Parnes also report that top DNC officials knew Biden had run out of gas well before the June 27 debate. In fact, they knew about Biden's cognition issues before the DNC cooked the primary rules to prevent any competitive challenge to the crumbling incumbent:
'A handful of Democratic National Committee officials already had considered contingency plans,' Allen and Parnes write. 'In hush-hush talks starting in 2023, these officials gamed out Biden-withdrawal scenarios, according to two people familiar with them.
'They wanted to make sure the party was ready for every possible circumstance: if Biden launched his campaign and then stepped aside before the primaries; if he won a bunch of primaries and then could not continue. If he secured enough delegates for winning the nomination but dropped out before winning a floor vote at the convention, and if he left a vacancy at the top of the ticket after taking the nomination.'
Biden stubbornly remained in the race, encouraged to do so by first lady Jill Biden and their son Hunter Biden.
And yet, DNC officials began restructuring the primaries to lock out challengers rather than force Biden to compete honestly for the nomination. It would have taken no more than a debate or two among Democrats to expose Biden as cognitively incompetent, at which point their voters could have had a real choice for the 2024 nomination. The DNC covered up Biden's incapacity instead and made sure it stayed covered up as long as possible.
What did the Protection Racket Media do? They pushed hard against anyone who suggested that Biden demonstrated clear symptoms of senility. They created an entire cover story around "cheap fakes" to explain videos that captured these symptoms, essentially telling voters to choose between The Narrative or their own lyin' eyes.
And now, Democrats and the media wonder why no one trusts them. They both had plenty of time to expose Biden's incapacity when it would have mattered; Democrats chose to cover it up and allow unelected someone(s) to exercise Biden's constitutional authority illegitimately. And the Protection Racket Media – whose correspondents had front-row seats to Biden's cognitive collapse – played footsie with them.
That's why I don't put much stock in the Now It Can Be Told genre as published by the mainstream news media. Don't expect much of a deep dive into their complicity and abetting of this constitutional travesty from these supposed tell-alls.
Addendum: I note with some amusement that The Guardian has a pitch for subscriptions and support at the end of this excerpt-report from the Allen-Parnes book. And they laughably headline it thusly: "Why you can rely on the Guardian not to bow to Trump – or anyone"! We already know we can rely on the Protection Racket Media not to "bow to Trump" because they spent four years covering up for Biden and Democrats to oppose Trump at all costs.
This is the most absurd pitch of all time. Where was The Guardian or the rest of the media after the Easter Bunny incident in April 2022? When Biden was literally falling down stairs and on stage? How many of them chose to scold Biden critics over his "stammer" and accuse us of using "cheap fakes" to demonstrate what was patently obvious?
The entire legacy media industry is thoroughly corrupt. And that is why it is so vital to support independent platforms that speak out, defend free speech, and fight back against the Protection Racket Media narratives that cover up the corruption on the left.
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