Breaking: Bombing in Jerusalem injures dozens

Yes, this is definitely a bombing, as Reuters reports today. A small suitcase set outside a bus stop exploded when a bus stopped to exchange passengers, wounding dozens. The bombing could signal the start of a new terrorist offensive against Israel following an uptick in rocket attacks from Gaza in the last few days. CNN reports from the scene:


CNN also has some raw video of the EMT response:

This was their first video report from the scene, when the source of the explosion was not yet known:

A bomb exploded near a bus stop in a Jewish neighbourhood of Jerusalem on Wednesday, injuring at least 30 people, police and medics said.

Police described the explosion as a “terrorist attack” — Israel’s term for a Palestinian strike. It was the first such bombing in Jerusalem in seven years.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast, which police said was caused by a bomb planted close to Jerusalem’s main conference hall and central bus terminal.

Ironically, EMTs in Israel had just been planning a trip to Japan to help with the humanitarian crisis. That will get postponed now, as it appears another intifada may have already begun. That will certainly test the Egyptian military’s commitment to enforcing an arms ban and closed border.

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