Our friend Michele Bachmann has a new ad out for the final ten days of the campaign, and it corrects a mistake she made in last week’s appearance on Hardball. “I may not always get my words right,” Rep. Bachmann says, “but I know my heart is right”:
Once again our nation is at a crossroads, and it’s a time for choosing. We could embrace government as the answer to our problems, or we can choose freedom and liberty.
I may not always get my words right, but I know that my heart is right. Because my heart is for you, for your children and for the blessings of liberty to remain for our great country.
Her opponent, Elwyn Tinklenburg, has tried to make a lot of hay on Bachmann’s exchange with Chris Matthews last week. The DCCC has decided to sink money into the Sixth CD at the same time that the NRCC had to pull out to conserve resources for closer races. But Tinklenburg has had his own problems with shooting off his mouth on television. When the St. Anthony Bridge collapsed in August 2007, Tinklenburg waited three whole hours before telling local newscasters that Republicans were to blame for the deaths because they blocked an increase in the gas tax to pay for bridge inspections. As it turned out, the bridge got inspected regularly, but it was a design flaw that created the problem and actual maintenance that exacerbated it.
Sometimes people make mistakes. Michele doesn’t explicitly apologize for the remarks she made after carelessly falling into the rhetorical trap laid by Matthews, but she acknowledges her error. Sixth CD voters should remember her tireless work for smaller government and lower taxes when they go to the ballot box, and this ad helps remind them of it.
If the NRCC’s withdrawal from this race angers you, you can still contribute directly to Bachmann here.
Update: I decided that the NRCC withdrawal angered me enough to contribute $100 today to Michele. Who wants to match it? Better yet, who wants to beat it? Send me the receipt from your matching or exceeding donation and a link to your blog, and I’ll post it in an update here.
Update II: Here are the challenge winners:
- Susan (first name only, by request)
- S (no attribution, by request)
- E (no attribution, by request)
- Eric McC
- Kirby Wilbur
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