Leftists Vent Their Rage at Race and Gender Traitors

Screenshot via MSNBC

Leftists will absolutely not learn the lesson of this election. 

Politics is the game of addition, not subtraction, but as the Democrats engage in the circular firing squad that inevitably follows a devastating loss, they are engaging in the politics of subtraction. 


As they look across the bombed-out landscape of their liberal utopia they have identified the real enemies: black men, Hispanics, white women, and of course all the nasty racists and sexists who they have always hated. 

Attacking MAGA is to be expected and does them no political harm, but the people who run the party culturally (by this, I mean the ideologues and not the professionals who just want to win) really do see the world almost entirely through the lens of identity groups who are supposed to be homogenous. This means that anybody who doesn't vote as the identity group is supposed to is by definition a hateful traitor. 

There are racists and racially obsessed people in all walks of life, but in the Republican Party, they are a fringe group for the most part. I'm not claiming here that Republicans are especially virtuous about race relations; it's just that we don't care that much about race anymore. 


Democrats care deeply, as it is one of the intersectional categories they use to divide up the population. Race, gender identity, sexual preferences, economic status, and educational attainment all matter deeply and determine who you are supposed to be. And as these lines cross (a highly educated genderqueer bisexual has so many status points...), the population gets divided up into finer gradations and put into categories that are supposed to rigidly define what they think. 

The party of freedom and tolerance requires absolute fealty to those identity categories, so when election results come out that show that Hispanics are trending Republican, black men are warming to the Republican Party, and white women care more about keeping their families fed and daughters safe, they are all traitors. 


There is nothing worse than betrayal, and leftists feel betrayed and are striking out at the traitors. Their anger is palpable, and violent fantasies abound. 

Many of the people running the show are looking at the numbers and trying to figure out how to rebuild a winning coalition. They are cynical in the extreme. So much so that they can turn on a dime, going from calling MAGA a bunch of Nazis to graciously talking about a peaceful transfer of power. They, unlike in 2016, know they were soundly beaten and the current bunch of propaganda and hoaxes didn't work, so they will retool. 

But the brainwashed don't see it that way. They really believe the crap they are spewing and the rage is coming out. 


I hate the cynical brainwashers because they are dangerous sociopaths, willing to allow hate to boil over, cultivating rage and street violence, polluting the minds of children, and even enable societal decline to enhance their own power. 

But I fear the true believers. 

The true believers are insane, hateful people who, as soon as they don't get their way, strike out. They riot. They write manifestos. They work up the deranged to a frenzy. 

On the one hand, their rhetoric will wake even more people to the insanity of the left. On the other, they are stoking an anger that could engulf society in flames as happened in 2020. 

I really do believe that the cynics would like to see the temperature turned down. It no longer helps them to keep people riled up. They need breathing room to figure out how to build that new coalition, and the current ideologues are a liability. 

But they also run the show. They are the propagandists, the tip of the spear. They are in our public schools, academia, the universities, on TV, in newspapers, and throughout the cultural elite. 


The cynical transnational elite now understand they have a tiger by the tail. I would be laughing because the cultural elite have become a massive liability. But I am not. 

These people are dangerous. They could easily stir up a mob. I expect violence in the next few months. I am not certain when, but it could get ugly. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | February 27, 2025