There Is a Mental Illness Crisis Among Liberals

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

I am not speaking metaphorically. I am not using hyperbole. And I am not projecting my political prejudices onto people with whom I disagree. 

It's just clear as day that a substantial fraction of Democrats are out of their minds. Quite literally, they have lost touch with reality. 


We often talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome, and it is a very real thing. But what I am talking about is something deeper and even more troubling, although the madness is expressed most vividly when lefties talk about Trump. We are facing a genuine mental health crisis. 

Some Democrats--not all, of course, or even the majority of people who will fill in their ballots with ill-conceived votes for Democrats--have genuinely lost their minds. It's not exclusively Democrats, of course, but the home of mental illness-driven politics is in that party. 

I am not trying to insult Democrats or the mentally ill. Mental illness runs in my family--both major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. So, don't think I am trying to discount the mentally ill. Properly treated, mental illness is not a disabling disorder. Not properly treated it is a threat to self and others. 

Duane wrote something similar yesterday, and I am going to steal a video he used because I think the analysis is spot on: 

Mark Halperin is right, except the crisis is already here. Surely it will get worse if and when Trump wins, but since 2020, we have moved on from simple Trump hatred to vast swathes of the population being completely disconnected from reality. 


Forgive me for using The View and Morning Joe in the next clips, but despite many people's dismissal of these insane hosts as irrelevant, they actually speak to millions of people who share their views. The harridans of The View spew their bile to the largest daytime audience in America, and MSNBC is to its viewers as slimy TV evangelists are to their acolytes. I have a relative who is glued to MSNBC and buys every word of it. 

These women and their viewers actually do believe that Donald Trump is going to send the Air Force after them, and for all I can tell, Morning Joe (soon to be Mourning Joe, God willing), believes Trump is getting ready to round up and execute people. They see a world that simply does not exist and that is a form of mental illness. 


The disconnection from reality goes far beyond Trump, though. He is the focus of so much of their rage, but think about the behavior of liberals during the COVID crisis. The obsession with masks, the hounding of dissenters, the adulation of Fauci. It was bizarre, and emotionally disregulated. 

And then there is the celebration of alphabet ideology. By definition, dysphoria is a mental illness, but it is embraced by the left and celebrated as something wonderful. Men pretending to be babies or dogs are elevated to almost angelic status, and children's bodies and minds are being sacrificed to the alphabet gods. 


Drag queens are now icons, pornography is a must-read for children, and sterilizing and mutilating children as young as 8 is a line drawn in the sand: support this, or you are a bigoted hater!

Supreme Court nominees refuse to define the word "woman." That is, frankly, insane.

"Does a chicken cry?" Time and again we are confronted by people who cannot distinguish wishes and feelings from reality. That is almost the definition of psychosis--disconnection from reality. Many liberals actually doubt that there is such a thing. Many academics outright assert that reality is defined by how one thinks or feels, with no connection to what you and I think of as the real world. 

"You're seeking what we call in my profession an 'essentialist' answer," which is just another way of saying that there is nothing essential--reality is what we make it. 

There is no reality. It's all feels, or in the case of Kamala Harris supporters, "vibes."

There are now millions of people who are delusional in some way or another, and the left celebrates this as a form of liberation. 

People are being liberated in a sense: they are no longer tethered to the real world, but until five minutes ago we treated such people with therapy and sometimes medication. Now we groom them into political warriors. 

You have probably noticed that not just transgender people--people who believe that they are something that they manifestly are not--are being elevated to a special status. Queer people in particular are, and Queer is defined as being anything not normal. The goal is to break completely with reality. 


New words create new realities. New pronouns symbolize this perfectly. God knows how many pronouns there are, because the whole point is to divide reality into so many slices that each person lives in their own world. 

Trump Derangement Syndrome is really just the tip of the iceberg. It is one of the most concrete examples, as is the still powerful COVID hysteria. 

I understand why normal Democrats don't like Donald Trump--they have their reasons, based on their values, their general sense of how things work, and often their disgust with his character. I am not speaking of these people. 

But about half of Democrats have gone insane. They identify with literal terrorists, think dressing up in furry costumes should be celebrated, imagine that rituals of men peeing on each other should occur in public, and that children should learn how to be drag queens. 

They hate the world they live in, and retreat to a bizarre fantasy world in which they are the star and everybody else is a bit player. 

This is no different than the mental patients who think they are Napoleon--I have no idea of those stories are apocryphal or not, but we are seeing this in the real world. 


WE live in a world where it is important to discover whether chickens can cry to determine their sex, and in which people believe they can lay eggs and be treated as if they are sane. 

If Trump wins, we are in for a very wild ride. 

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