Unions for Hamas?

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

This is one of the more bizarre things I have seen in politics, although given how the past 10 days have gone, it is only the 8th-most bizarre thing I have seen this month. 


Seven unions--including the Service Employees International Union, the UAW, the National Education Association, the Postal Workers, and even the Flight Attendants want the Biden Administration to stop helping Israel eliminate Hamas. 

Huh? Say that again?

This is bizarre. The unions representing the people who build our cars, staff the planes, and clean hotel rooms demand changes in United States foreign policy in the Middle East


A group of unions representing millions of workers sent a letter on Tuesday to the White House demanding a cease-fire in the war in Gaza and that the United States stop sending military aid to Israel.

Immediately cutting military aid to the Israeli government “is necessary to bring about a peaceful resolution to this conflict,” read a copy of the letter obtained by The New York Times, which added that the unions believed it was the best path forward after Israel and Hamas did not agree to the cease-fire deal the Biden administration outlined in May.

But negotiations are ongoing. Last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said a Gaza cease-fire deal was “inside the 10-yard line,” though the national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, also said there is no expectation peace would be brokered before Wednesday. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, will speak before a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.


I feel like I am living in an alternate universe. As far as I know, flight attendants--God love 'em--are neither unified on Israel policy, nor is their union in much of a position to have an informed opinion. 

What next? Is AOC going to be appointed Secretary of State?

I have no problem with union MEMBERS having an opinion and expressing it. That is called being an American citizen, and in theory we drive government policy. 

But what are unions doing expressing an opinion and making demands about foreign policy issues? Do service employees and teachers have some job-related reason for defunding our ally Israel?

Unions, though historically associated with the left, have politically diverse membership and have been courted by both Mr. Biden, who dropped out the race on Sunday, and the Republicans’ presidential nominee, former President Donald J. Trump. Given their membership, the union letter is a strong statement from a key electorate that the administration needs to update its Mideast foreign policy, a policy that Vice President Kamala Harris, who was endorsed by Mr. Biden and several top Democrats to become the Democrats’ nominee, will also have to speak for.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed in the fighting, the letter noted, and argued that unless the U.S. changes course, “the Israeli government will continue to pursue its vicious response to the horrific attacks of October 7th until it is forced to stop.”

The American Postal Workers Union, Association of Flight Attendants, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, the National Education Association, Service Employees International Union, United Auto Workers and United Electrical Workers signed onto the letter.


Do you discuss foreign policy with your electrician? I have no problem with him having an opinion and expressing it, but as far as I know there is nothing job-related about those opinions, and unions exist to represent their members in job-related activities. 

I'd be interested to know what union members think. Are auto workers relieved that the UAW is clear in its policies regarding Hamas? Are they happy to be backing Hamas in the war?

We live in weird times. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024