Democrat Civil War Update: It Has Heated Up...

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Don't believe the reports that Biden has conceded that he must leave the race. 

He may eventually do so, but the Democrats are still piling on, which would definitely NOT happen if he really were writing a speech to leave the race to be delivered Sunday. 


Democrats are still piling on, upping the pressure on Biden. The leaks out there indicating Biden is looking for a graceful exit are most definitely wrong. 

Mark Halperin, a former MSN reporter who is out on his own, has claimed that his sources have told him that Biden is preparing to exit the race. Lots of other media outlets have picked this up and run with it, but I think it is total BS. 

Sure, Biden may leave at some point, but there is ZERO chance that decision has been made. I say this not based on any insight into Biden's brain, or any confidence that he will never leave, but the simple fact that the pressure to exit the race is still amping up. 


There would be NO pile on if Biden were exiting gracefully. This is a pressure campaign and an obvious attempt to create a fait accompli, in which Biden has no choice. 

That will not work. If Biden decides to leave, it will be because there is something more important to him than the "good of the country" or the "good of the party."

He doesn't give a rip about any of that. He wants cold, hard, cash, and on the barrelhead. He needs the Biden Crime Family taken care of, and it will take nine figures to get him to move. 


Biden is, let's be honest, scum. He cares about himself and his. Currently, he thinks being president is the best thing for him. The Democrats have to offer something better, and that will be hard. 

Getting Biden out of the race will take one of two things. First...

Or second, a really big check. 

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