Was Biden's Uncle Eaten By Cannibals?

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Seems unlikely, given that his plane went down into the water. But that's Joe Biden's story and he is sticking to it. 

First the facts: Joe Biden twice told the story of his uncle Ambrose, who volunteered during World War II and was lost at sea when his airplane crashed for unknown reasons into the ocean new New Guinea. New Guinea at the time did indeed have cannibal tribes. 


Do these facts match up with Biden's tale? You be the judge. 

So, "Uncle Bosey" did indeed exist and he did crash his airplane in the general region of New Guinea, although it was offshore. The plane was not single-engine (so what? Even I wouldn't remember the type of plane after decades), and one out of the four on the plane was recovered. 

Nobody shot down the airplane. The engines failed for some reason. 

Brian Krassenstein, a Biden shill, tried to save his butt by claiming the story was factual, but even his rewriting of the facts makes Biden out to be a fabulist.

Krassenstein gives us a quote from the military at the time, and it sure doesn't seem to match Biden's memory:


- Here is the writeup from the US Military on Ambrose:"On May 14, 1944, an A-20 havoc (serial number 42-86768), with a crew of three and one passenger, departed Momote Airfield, Los Negros Island, for a courier flight to Nadzab Airfield, New Guinea. For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft's nose hit the water hard. Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash. One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing barge. An aerial search the next day found no trace of the missing aircraft or the lost crew members."

It seems unlikely from this particular account that Uncle Bosie was eaten by passing cannibals, given that they would have had to dive to even find the bodies in the crumpled aircraft that was at the bottom of the ocean. 

Still, cannibals might be really motivated. It is impossible to prove that they didn't row out some boats and do a bit of diving in order to drag these men out of the aircraft. You would think, though, that the survivor might have remembered that detail and passed it on. 

Was this a lie? Almost certainly not. Biden has told some whoppers in his time, but this is more along the lines of his confrontation with Corn Pop than "I didn't sell out my country to China in order to fund my son's meth habit."


In other words, this fits the Biden pattern: he can't help himself. He loves to put himself in the middle of fabulous stories, such as Neil Kinnock's life or the spontaneous applause of his law school colleagues when he extemporaneously delivered a Clarence Darrow speech to them. 

Someday a smart author will write an update to the Secret Life of Walter Mitty, or do a Forrest Gump-style movie featuring Joe Biden and Brian Williams. 

Does telling such stories disqualify Biden for the presidency? Hardly. There are so many better reasons to do so.

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