Biden Decides He CAN Act on Border

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

The Biden Administration banks a lot on the fact that the MSM will repeat whatever lies it puts out. 

For months, we have been told, again and again, that Biden had been working tirelessly to slow the invasion at the border, but his hands were tied by Republicans in Congress who refused to work with him to solve the problem. 


Regime media repeated his claims endlessly, despite the fact that nobody could explain why illegal immigration dropped like a rock under Trump and skyrocketed after Biden overturned Trump's policies on Day 1. 

Now that the "Bipartisan" (Ha!) Border legislation is dead in Congress, NBC is reporting that Biden has been considering "for months" executive actions he can unilaterally take to slow the flow of illegal immigrants. 

Months, huh? Do you mean all those BS lines from KJP and John Kirby were total lies?

Who would have thought?

The Biden administration is considering taking executive action to deter illegal migration across the southern border, according to two U.S. officials.

As passing legislation on border security in Congress appears unlikely, the plans under consideration signal that the White House wants to take action before numbers at the border, which have dropped in the past month, rise again as expected.

The plans have been under consideration for months, the officials said. In December, as Congress prepared to leave town for the holidays with no border solution, illegal crossings of the southwest border hit records at more than 10,000 per day.


This bolsters the argument--not that it wasn't obvious already--that Biden's support for the legislation had nothing to do with wanting to slow the flow but rather was an obvious attempt to get Republican buy-in for his Leftist immigration policies. 

The unilateral measures under consideration might upset some progressives in Congress, the officials said, but they noted that Democratic mayors who have asked for more help from the federal government to handle the influx of migrants in their cities would be pleased. The measures are still being drafted and are not expected to take place any time soon.

Boo hoo. Leftists will be unhappy. 

Everybody and his brother knows that Biden has engineered this border crisis and that the reason that Biden is looking at ways to slow the flow is purely electoral. Should he win again--and despite the polls he is far from dead politically, as long as he remains far from dead biologically--Biden will go back to the same-old same-old. 

If Biden wins another term as much as 25% of the residents of this country will be immigrants--far more than at any point in American history. And Biden has made it clear he wants to make them citizens ASAP. 


This is about increasing the number of Democrat voters by millions and nothing else. Democrats believe that it is their right to rule over Americans--they already view Republicans as extremist enemies, as Biden has said many times--so their solution is to displace American voters' power by importing people from other countries. 

The MSM and Democrats keep telling us that this is a conspiracy theory while simultaneously, the Democrats are doing everything in their power to make it so. 

I believe the earth is round, birds are real, men landed on the moon, and that the Democrats want to displace the power of Americans by importing new voters. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is an obvious fact. 

Republicans must win the 2024 elections, regardless of their manifest flaws. The alternative is a permanent Democrat majority bolstered by imported voters and lawfare against ordinary Americans. The FBI has been coopted, the MSM is a handmaiden to the Elite, and the Justice system is stacked against us. 

That's why I am putting aside my tremendous frustration with the disarray of the Republicans. It's not because I expect them to be great, but because the alternative is a fast slide into tyranny. 


I'm unwilling to give up on America. You may dislike the choices you have, but a Biden, Harris, Newsom, or other Democrat in power should scare the bejeezus out of you. 

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