BBC: quantum physics shows the universe is Queer

Everything in the world exists to affirm the desires of the alphabet people.


This is not as crazy as it sounds if you begin with critical theory as the foundational idea upon which everything else is constructed. The foundational idea of critical theory (or the postmodern branch of critical theory) is that all knowledge is really an expression of power and that power should be used to achieve the complete liberation of human beings.


It is no stretch at all to combine those ideas into the belief that the universe needs to be understood as merely a canvas on which we paint our desires. It has no fundamental nature in and of itself. Even things you and I think of as objective, like science, are really nothing more than expressions of power and don’t actually describe anything fundamental in Nature.

This, to those of us who don’t think like a post-Western/post-modern crazy person, sounds nuts. But then again, you probably never thought you would be getting a lecture on the deeper meaning of quantum physics from a green- and black-haired transgender clown thanks to the BBC.  If that doesn’t strike you as insane then you probably just graduated from college and are too far gone to ever recover your sanity.

Postmodernism is everywhere around us, and the modern version of Critical Theory/Queer Theory/Alphabet Ideology is a mishmash of postmodern thought and Marxism. In a very real sense the argument that quantum mechanics proves the universe is Queer is not a radical idea at all to a Queer theorist, because literally any and everything is a confirmation of Queer Theory to a person who accepts it.


It is necessarily so, because all knowledge is an expression of power, and as long as they have the power–and they do, obviously–reality is what they say it is. This is why you can’t argue with an alphabet person, because they don’t communicate but rather dictate. Try having an argument with an alphabet person. When they can they sic the police on you (in the UK) and when they can’t they yell at you, cancel you, or even take you hostage.

For the Alphabet people, it is all power and they command the universe to affirm them.

Scientists long believed that STEM fields were immune from the idiocies that had already taken over the liberal arts, forgetting that until recently science was rightly considered a liberal art (liberal arts simply meant the scope of knowledge that all free people need to live a complete life) and the distinction is somewhat artificial. Science is a subset of the liberal arts, and cannot be divorced from philosophy because it rests on a theory of knowledge.

Postmodernism is an alternate theory of knowledge, and few things in the modern world are more powerful than science which has both authority and the ability to directly shape the physical world. Of course, the postmodernists would come for scientific fields and seize them if they could.


They have. Look at what has happened to biology and medicine, which now deny the fundamental concept of genetics. Sex? Bah! A healthy weight? Ha! Mental health? It is what I say it is!

Whatever an Alphabet person doesn’t like stems from an -ism.

What is striking about the video above is not what the clown says; some version of that was easily predictable if you understand Alphabet ideology.

No, what is striking is that the BBC is shoving it at people as if it should be taken seriously. And they are doing it because postmodern thought has infected even the formerly staid and ultra-Western BBC.

There are still philosophical antibodies in the body of the West, but the disease has spread far and it’s not at all clear that the body of the West will survive. And if you think that the alphabet people can keep a modern society going, well good luck to you. Hint: They can’t. Tying their shoes is traumatic. They can’t even run a coffee shop.

Postmodernism induces a kind of insanity, in the sense that it begins with the idea that the only truth is internally constructed. It is a form of self-imposed dissociative disorder, where the connection to reality is broken. The idea is that a new reality can be constructed–except it can’t.


There are some brilliant philosophers for whom postmodernism has been a useful mental tool to break out of epistemological paradigms, allowing them to see more clearly the ineffable qualities of the universe, but on a practical level postmodernism is a parasite.

A parasite that has invaded the body politic.

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