Biden's corrupt? The MSM shrugs

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The MSM spent 3 years promoting a narrative that they knew was false about Donald Trump colluding with Russia.

Not one of them could possibly believe that it was true because it was so transparently a lie. Yet they, the intelligence community, and every talking head spoke breathlessly about how the walls were closing in on Trump. It took the Special Counsel to set them straight, and they still have their Pulitzer Prizes and half the country still believes their lies.


Yet Representative James Comer lays out a straightforward, obvious case that might not stand up in court yet but is clearly true that Joe Biden and his family have engaged in a corrupt influence peddling operation going back over a decade and the press not only shrugs but comes to the president’s defense.

Comer didn’t pass the “beyond the shadow of a doubt” standard, so it is a big nothing. Look away. Those millions of dollars from foreign nationals just MIGHT conceivably be legal or something.

Can you believe these guys? They aren’t even trying to look like they care about anything other than destroying Republicans.

And, of course, they don’t care. As Beege pointed out yesterday in her superb, tremendous, rollickingly funny, and insightful piece yesterday, the media did nothing but engage in one big coverup. They spent all day focused on George Santos, who is a big fat nothing that nobody cares about because he is a minor con man.


George Santos was, literally, front page news and wall-to-wall coverage, as if Putin had died or the FBI captured everybody on their 10 Most Wanted list. And, of course, that is why Santos was arrested simultaneously with the Comer press conference.

We are so far past the point of discussing how pathetic our MSM is these days. They are a literal menace to the country, acting as nothing more than the propaganda outlet for the Democrat Party.

The MSM is spinning for all it is worth, actually celebrating that the only proof that exists is that every member of Biden’s family is a corrupt influence peddler for our foreign adversaries, but it sure looks like Biden can skate because he hid his tracks pretty well. Sure, there is tons of circumstantial evidence, but we won’t look at any of it or dig to see where the connections between Uncle Joe and everybody else are.


As Beege pointed out yesterday, Turley is actually giving the media too much credit here for honesty. The Committee could have produced 8 heads in a duffle bag owned by Hunter and they still wouldn’t ask for a luggage tag. They simply don’t care about corruption done by Democrats.

Joe Biden could hand over all our aircraft carriers to China and the MSM would call it a foreign policy masterstroke. He could nuke Houston and they would celebrate a bold move against the fossil fuel industry.

They exist for one purpose only: to promote the Democrat/Leftist agenda.


The MSM is, truly, the enemy of the people. I scoffed when Trump said that. It was intemperate, even unfair. They were biased, I thought, but didn’t actually want to destroy the country.

Now I would believe that if they were instructed by the Democrats to destroy the country, they would simply ask for the explosives.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | October 23, 2024