Trans 'em all. Why not?

(Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Not every doctor involved in the transgender movement is a demonic ghoul happy to destroy lives for money.

A few might just be in the thrall of an ideology that is wreaking havoc on our society and endangering the futures of children. Maybe.


Either way, they must be stopped. The nice ones are as harmful as the truly evil ones.

I don’t know which of the two categories this particular doctor fits into; I just know that she should be kept far away from kids or even a keyboard if she is dispensing medical advice to anybody.

The Daily Mail has the story:

Doctors from the St. Louis gender clinic – now under investigation following bombshell whistleblower claims – advised teachers to ‘affirm’ an entire group of fifth graders, emails have revealed.

The Washington University Transgender Center at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital was shamed last week by whistleblower Jamie Reed, a former employee who wrote a bombshell article for The Free Press describing the ‘medically and morally appalling’ scenario at play.

Her claims sparked two investigations – one by the Missouri AG’s office, and another by the office of Senator Josh Howley.(Sic)

If you haven’t read the whistleblower account in The Free Press, you really really should. It details how the gender clinic at the St Louis Children’s Hospital is permanently damaging children based upon the flimsiest evidence that they are transgender–even when they know the children are exhibiting deep mental problems that stem from social contagion.

The piece is harrowing, and comes from an employee of the clinic who joined it because she was convinced that they were truly helping children; she came to see that the clinic was a menace.


So it shouldn’t surprise anybody that the advice they were dispensing to teachers was just as awful as that they were giving patients and their parents. It boils down to this: trans them all! No harm could come from it.

Now, can reveal the clinic’s emails to a concerned elementary school teacher from Parkway Schools, a district on the outskirts of St. Louis.

The teacher contacted doctors in October 2021 seeking help when a group of fifth graders – girls aged 10 or 11 – claimed they were all transgender.

‘I wondered if I can ask you a quick question about a situation we’re experiencing at one of our elementary schools,’ the teacher wrote.

‘The short story is that one of the students in the 5th-grade class is coming out as Trans.

‘She has told several of her friends and now several of them are also saying they are Trans.

‘We do not want to discourage them if this is the case, but we’re also suspecting there could be other reasons they are doing this than that this is actually the case

‘Is this common? Are there resources for handling this type of situation? Again, we do not want to discourage kids if this is actually the case, but we also do not want to diminish the actual experience of trans folks.’

In response, a doctor said: ‘There are schools of thought that have documented this as an issue of significance, in that a student coming out as transgender, becomes a “contagion”.

‘This language isn’t affirming and the few studies on phenomenon are, in my personal and professional opinion, invalid.’

The doctor then suggested that all of the girls were genuinely transgender, and that it simply took their friend to realize it for them to as well.


You gotta be affirming, right? And really there is no evidence that social contagion is a thing, despite there being reams of evidence that social contagion is a thing.

Just not when it comes to gender confusion. No siree, not when gender is the subject. Gender is a spectrum, don’t you know, and like colors in a rainbow a gender can change or even disappear. Like “ghostgender.”

I wonder if this doctor advertises her services on TikTok, as others do. Remember the “yeet your teets” doc?

Hop on over to her TikTok (linked above) and learn how she can help remove your testicles if you want to be a eunuch. She will mutilate you any way you want–even for young teens!

Back to our unnamed doctor (her name was redacted due to FOIA requirements). She advised affirming kids in their gender exploration and that nothing bad could possibly come out of it, even if the kids decide that gender-bending isn’t for them.

In a follow-up email, the doctor quoted Dr. Sarah Garwood, saying: ‘The best we can do is affirm, validate and allow for exploration.’

She also said ‘no harm’ would be done affirming a child who decided they were not trans.

What harm could there possibly be? Even if the kids wind up getting their “teets” “yeeted,” that is a valid gender expression as well, right?


What harm? Well, according to Jamie Reed, who worked at the clinic until she resigned in disgust, this kind of harm:

For almost four years, I worked at The Washington University School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases with teens and young adults who were HIV positive. Many of them were trans or otherwise gender nonconforming, and I could relate: Through childhood and adolescence, I did a lot of gender questioning myself. I’m now married to a transman, and together we are raising my two biological children from a previous marriage and three foster children we hope to adopt. 

All that led me to a job in 2018 as a case manager at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, which had been established a year earlier.

The center’s working assumption was that the earlier you treat kids with gender dysphoria, the more anguish you can prevent later on. This premise was shared by the center’s doctors and therapists. Given their expertise, I assumed that abundant evidence backed this consensus.

During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager—I was responsible for patient intake and oversight—around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors. The majority of them received hormone prescriptions that can have life-altering consequences—including sterility.

I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to “do no harm.” Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.


She goes on to describe the lackadaisical way that children were treated with hormones, surgery, and the complete disregard for the mental health challenges of the children.

We often forget that the influence of these doctors goes far beyond the walls of their clinics. They are advising teachers, counselors, parents, policymakers, and the MSM. Their ideological commitment to transing the children has become cancerous, and the consequences will remain long after the fad–I hope it is only a fad–dies out. Real children are being harmed, experimented upon, sterilized, and mutilated.

We often hear about the danger of self-harm and worse, but rarely are told that the danger does not decrease with gender treatments. They just don’t follow up after surgeries and ignore the regrets that their patients often have.

Medical treatments for depression and dysphoria don’t actually reduce depression and dysphoria. These are mental illnesses, not treatable with hormones and surgery.

Even trans-activist Jazz Jennings, star of the reality show “I am Jazz”–while still claiming to not regret her surgical transition–still suffers from mental illness including eating disorders and depression, and has revealed terrible complications from “her” surgery. “She” isn’t “cured,” “she’s” mutilated and unhappy. A victim of an industry hell-bent on destroying children.


Two industries, actually, because it’s all being filmed for the viewing public.

In our topsy-turvy world, those of us trying to save children from these ghouls are labeled haters, and these ghouls are supposedly the compassionate ones.

How many thousand children will be sacrificed to the alphabet people’s gods before we can start throwing these ghouls in jail?

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