CBS poll: America's got a fee-vah and the only prescription is more Obama SOTU platitudes; Correction: Poll outdated

Granted, granted, their sample is a ludicrous 44% Democrat and 25% Republican. And yes, it’s true that this guy is recycling his talking points from one speech to the next, year after wearying year. But hey: Last year just 83 percent approved of his SOTU remarks. He’s up nearly 10 points this time go round. With that sort of wind in his sails, I’m thinking instead of the 43 percent job approval he currently holds, come November he might be all the way up to 45 percent.


Two data points from CBS’s poll to give you some insight into the savviness of their sample group. Bear in mind, he devoted exactly 44 words last night to ObamaCare:

Another data point: “Eighty-three percent approved of Mr. Obama’s proposals regarding Afghanistan, which received only a 57 percent approval rating beforehand.” A 26-point jump on a 10-year-old war thanks to an hour of bromides. See now why he writes these things at an eighth-grade level?

For a more interesting and credible poll showing (mild) good news for The One, go look at the numbers in the new WSJ/NBC survey. His job approval is still below 50 percent but views of the economy are improving. Needless to say, the more optimistic voters are, the more difficult it’ll be for Romney or Gingrich in the fall. Exit question: Does it matter what percentage liked the speech if virtually no one saw it?

Update: I saw the CBS poll circulating online today and didn’t stop to check the date: It’s from, er, January 25, 2011, not 2012. Apologies for the mistake; evidently I’m reading at a second-grade level. Still interesting to compare the overwhelming support he got for last year’s SOTU to where his job approval is now, though. These speeches make a splash initially and then they disappear into the ether.


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