Arizona governor to Obama: Do your job, chump

The perfect follow-up to last night’s post about the chief of ICE deciding that Arizona’s too icky for the feds to process the illegals they catch. Between her new website and high-profile hits like this on FNC, Brewer’s obviously milking the uproar for all it’s worth — and doing a damned fine job of it too:


After championing her state’s new immigration law in the face of criticism from President Obama and others, incumbent Arizona Governor Jan Brewer for the first time now attracts more than 50% support in her bid for reelection against likely Democratic candidate Terry Goddard.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Arizona shows Brewer with 52% of the vote and Goddard, who opposes the immigration law, with 39%. Seven percent (7%) prefer another candidate, while just three percent (3%) are undecided…

Brewer now claims 45% of the vote in the state’s Republican Primary field. That’s a 19-point gain from a month ago and puts her well ahead of all her challengers.

After yesterday’s congressional standing O for Calderon, she’ll probably hit 55 percent in the next poll. The law’s helping a bunch of other Republicans, too: As the Times hints, it’s a perfect foil for both moderates and conservatives. Worried that your reputation as an immigration hardliner will alienate Latinos? No problem. Simply profess your concerns that Arizona cops will use the law for racial profiling. (This was, of course, the line taken by many national Republicans after the law first passed.) Worried that your reputation as a softie will alienate Republican primary voters? No problem. Simply profess your intention to stand with Arizona. (Call this the McCain option.) Worried about both Latinos and Republican voters? Well, then say you’re concerned about racial profiling but feel more comfortable now that the law’s been amended to expressly forbid cops from using that. (That was Rubio’s blueprint.) Everybody wins! Except for The One and Janet Napolitano, of course, whom Brewer hammers here for having ignored — as in, total radio silence — repeated requests for help at the border. Obama’s response to the “do your job” argument is that those damned Republicans won’t vote for his immigration bill, but I’ve got a super secret plan for how he can get upwards of all 41 GOP votes in the Senate: Offer a “borders first” bill instead of something comprehensive. It’d be a major accomplishment before the midterms and would give vulnerable House Dems a boost of credibility with centrist Democrats and independents, but not in a million years will the leadership do it lest they risk losing their long-term advantage with Latinos. That’s the lesson of ObamaCare — that they’re willing to sacrifice congressional control to achieve paradigm shifts that’ll make leftism more secure in the future. They’re terrible, but they ain’t stupid.


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