Dem press release: Scott Brown made a "deal with the devil" with "radical tea party groups"

Via Weasel Zippers. Demagoging townhall protesters as “angry mobs” back in August did nothing for the DNC nationwide, but hope springs eternal for New England:


Will Republicans Sell Out To National Tea Party Movement Backfire At Home?
And If He’s Elected, Who Will He Owe?

“Scott Brown made a deal with the devil – and he should have held out for a better one…Brown’s embrace of radical tea party groups for funding coincides nicely with his willingness to accept the millions in television ads from shadowy out-of-state organizations with links to Karl Rove…”

Consider this and their Palin-baiting to be an official admission that they no longer believe that running on a standard liberal policy agenda can carry them over the finish line even in Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, here was the scene after a Coakley fundraiser on Capitol Hill tonight, which makes twice in less than three months that Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack has had a bizarre encounter with a candidate opposed by the conservative base. Coakley staffers said afterwards that they didn’t know who the guy was who was hassling McCormack in the video. Really? He was just a passerby who decided to push him into a sidewalk railing and demand his credentials?

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