Video: Palin on Oprah

People want to talk about it, so here’s your thread. I don’t think the whole interview’s online but the Daily Beast clipped and compiled what it calls the seven best moments. Click the image to watch. She must have done well because even normally inhospitable media outlets like TNR are giving her a grudging thumbs up. More from the Beast, whose founder sneered at Palin as recently as this morning:


Never has Sarah Palin appeared so comfortable in her own skin on national television as she did Monday afternoon on The Oprah Winfrey Show. She spoke in clear, easily diagrammable sentences—none of those weird locutions about Putin rearing his head somewhere in the stratosphere over the Aleutian Islands. She was approachable and full of pep. And even with that percussive laugh—the raucous call of an exotic plumed bird during mating season, perhaps—she displayed an appealingly mordant sense of humor.

Normally I’d tell you to follow the link, but this is the Beast, after all, so it’s all downhill from there. An intriguing footnote: CBS has its own poll of Palin’s favorables out tonight, and contrary to the polarizing numbers in WaPo’s poll, there seem to be a lot of people still making up their minds about her. This week can only help.


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