Quotes of the day

“Oh, go ahead, Limbaugh lickers, post your comments about how people have made up quotes or taken them out of context or call everyone a racist. Fire away, you brave anonymous message board flamers. That’s what you do.


(This is said without malice and is my opinion: I believe almost any quote attributed to Limbaugh when it comes to race because he’s said any number of ugly and hateful things. Just my opinion and belief.)…

It’s not about Limbaugh’s politics, it’s about Limbaugh himself. He’s a bad person. That’s it. End of story.”

“People do not want a bigot as an owner. He’s a racist. He’s a bigot. He’s shown it for years. He’s made his career in a large way off marginalizing black culture and African-Americans, and now he wants to buy into an industry where 70% of the talent, the work-force is African-American and make money off of it? He doesn’t get to do that.”



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