Beck declares victory: Cash for Clunkers website changes terms of use

No surprise that they changed it. The language about your computer becoming government property once you log onto the site went way over the line into Orwellville. But the question I posed on Friday remains: Did the language accurately reflect what the feds were actually doing or was it just a case of a moronic government lawyer trying to cover his legal bases by drafting the language overbroadly? The latter explanation is the simpler one, especially now that we’ve learned the Cash for Clunkers page in question was for dealers, not for the general public; if you’re a government snoop eager to see what America’s downloading, it’s exceedingly strange that you’d target your snooping so narrowly. Jonah Goldberg even tried to nudge Beck on Friday towards treating this as a likely case of government stupidity instead of government malfeasance. Yet, amazingly, in neither of the two clips below is the possibility even entertained that this was a drafting mistake by a lawyer rather than a naked admission of a blockbuster plot by the federal government to spy on Americans’ Internet communications. In fact, by the end of the second clip, the only real question being debated by Beck and his two guests — one of whom is Alex Jones admirer Andrew Napolitano — is how few computers the feds would need access to in order to introduce a worm that would bring everyone’s data files under their microscope. Which neatly explains why they targeted the dealers instead of the public at large: The dealers are but the link to the entire Internet, you see. Wheels within wheels.


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David Strom 3:20 PM | September 09, 2024