Desperate for security help, Hirsi Ali begs France for citizenship

Hitchens, Sam Harris, and even the world authority on being stalked by jihadist filthbags begged the United States to foot her security bills when the news about her financial crunch first broke in October. She has her green card, which one would think would be enough to qualify her for state-sponsored protection. Not so; if it were, I’d have nothing to write about today. And so it’s come to this: One of the planet’s fiercest critics of Islam is forced to petition the French, of all people, to keep her safe because America won’t. A travesty.


Now the former Dutch lawmaker is asking France to grant her citizenship because, she says, she cannot be assured of her own safety in the Netherlands or the US.

“I would be very honored and grateful if I were to become a French citizen, and the question of my protection could be resolved once and for all,” said Ali, speaking in English in an interview on Sunday with France-2 television…

Ali said that she chose France because she had received support from French intellectuals and sympathy from French political leaders.

French Philosopher Henri Levy has championed Ali’s bid for French citizenship. He has described Ali as a “brave woman” who “has already proved that she is French.”

France’s Human Rights Minister, Rama Yade, stopped short of guaranteeing citizenship for Ali, but said on a France-2 news program that France would lobby for the creation of a European Union-wide fund to cover the security of citizens who live under religiously motivated threats like the fatwa against Ali. The fund has the support of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, as well as France’s Socialist Party and about 70 European Parliament members.


French socialists have a better handle on this problem than the U.S. Congress. Exit question: If illegal aliens qualify for emergency medical treatment, why don’t legal aliens qualify for emergency police protection?

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