They must be genuine. Because given the abuse she’s going to take for this remarkably coincidental display of emotion the day before a do or die election, there’s no way she’d do it on purpose.
How remarkably coincidental is it? ABC predicted it when the event started.
ABC News’ Kate Snow, Eloise Harper and Ann Compton Report: On the morning before the New Hampshire primary, we Reporters Who Cover Hillary found ourselves at the Cafe Espresso in Portsmouth, N.H. Senator Clinton was sitting at a large rectangular table, surrounded by 16 undecided voters. All were female except one.
You’ll remember that morning as the morning Clinton got emotional and teared up while answering a question about “how she does it”.
On the morning before Super Tuesday, we Reporters Who Cover Hillary find ourselves at the Yale Child Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut. We are in a nicely appointed conference room. And in the center is a rectangular table. Seated around the table are 12 voters. All are women. Clinton organizers say the goal was to have them all be “undecided” voters (though a local organizer says some may be supporting Clinton coming in).
The title of the post? “An Interesting Clinton Coincidence.” Heh. Indeed.
Like KP says, women voters are her biggest concern right now. Are they this gullible and easily swayed, though? I repeat what I said last month: “[S]he’s going to have to make doubly sure she doesn’t cry again anytime soon, and probably for the rest of the election. To go years and years without offering a look behind the emotional curtain and then conveniently start to go gushy after a surprise tear-fueled win would be fatally cynical, even by Clinton standards. The contrast with Captain Authenticity would simply be too stark.”
Big winner: Obama, who now has a handy excuse if his huge late surge in California fizzles.
Update: Curiously, the ABC piece linked above doesn’t mention her tearing up even though it quotes her line to that effect. NBC is at the event too and they’re not reporting anything unusual either. Did the Trib, lured by the prospect of a surefire Drudge link, see what it wanted to see?
I’m guessing no. Note the caption.
Update: Hillary vindicated? See here.
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