And all this time, you were thinking that 'Highspeed Rail to Nowhere' was their pie-in-the-sky, worthless boondoggle.
I'm here to tell you the Oleaginous Man has plans, and he always seems to have money to burn.
California is moving forward with a groundbreaking satellite project to track and reduce methane emissions.
— Governor Newsom (@CAgovernor) March 24, 2025
With this innovative technology, we'll be able to move faster to cut methane emissions — protecting Californians and tackling harmful pollution.
Man, does that guy lurve himself a camera.
Anyway, it's true. Gov Gavin Newsom has announced launching the first member of his methane-tracking community into orbit, with something like seven more to come.
As part of a subnational climate coalition, the state is moving forward with a satellite data project to track methane emissions.
In his first action since being named co-chair of the subnational climate coalition America Is All In, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a state effort to cut methane pollution with the help of satellite technology.
The technology involves satellite-mounted methane sensors that send data to enable the state to locate and monitor large emissions of methane that could otherwise go undetected. This data will allow state and local agencies to work together with industry to stop the leaks.
“Decades of progress to protect public health is on the line as the Trump Administration works to roll back critical environmental protections. California isn’t having it,” Newsom said. “Thanks to our state investment, we’re using satellite technology to detect methane leaks as they happen. With this new data, we’ll be able to move faster to cut harmful methane pollution—protecting Californians and the clean air we’ve fought so hard for.”
Oh, how fun! How Roger Ramjet!
Where did Gov Gavin get the money for this vanity project?
Welp, that money comes from the cap and trade fines and offsets that California's been extorting from businesses for years in the name of the climate cult.
...The satellite project and the data acquired by it is made possible by a $100 million investment from the state’s cap-and-trade program. Already, one satellite has been launched, with up to seven more to be deployed.
The state will maintain a database and web portal to coordinate and document mitigation actions. While California does not own these satellites, state agencies will be able to select specific regions for observation. This data will also be available for communities to view methane mitigation efforts and to further education and outreach.
CA's Cap and Trade regulations feed a schweet little slush pot called the 'Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.' Those billions are just sitting there and designated to be spent specifically on these sorts of Green grifts.
- The program is central to meeting California’s ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (which it met in 2016), 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. California also has additional goals of achieving 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2045 and economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2045.
- Revenues that California receives from the program are deposited into the state’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and then appropriated to state agencies to implement programs that further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 35 percent of the revenues are required by law to be directed to environmentally disadvantaged and low-income communities. Since it commenced, the program has generated5 billion dollars of total revenue.
California, which doesn't have two nickels to rub together in real life, knows that 'other jurisdictions' will be chomping at the bit to follow in their footsteps after they see what a success this program will be.
It turns out that the first satellite went into the air back in August...
...The first of the state's methane-detecting satellites was launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base in August 2024. No timeline has been given as to when the other satellites will be launched. I'm not really sure what the hold-up was on the next one, or what took Randall Flagg-lite so long to announce he had one in the air to sniff out bovine bad boys and other offenders. But he sure acts like this is going to be something.
Anyone who knows anything about Newsom's big announcements and then watches as nothing happens should be experiencing deja vu right now and stuffing their wallet as far down in their pants pocket as it will go.
Button that flap, too.
This climate action group Newsom is co-chairing - America Is All In - is kind of interesting, too. According to Katy Grimes over at CA Globe, it was started as an anti-Trump group in 2017 by all the usual blue state suspects at the time and just got fired up again.
Newsom's anti-Zeldin rhetoric fits perfectly.
...What will Gavin Newsom do as “co-chair” of America Is All In?
“Governor Newsom’s leadership will further strengthen America Is All In’s mission to scale climate ambition, build resilient communities, and build confidence around the world that the United States is contributing to global climate efforts.”
The climate coalition “America Is All In” is another “resist” group, created when President Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2017, “Governors Jerry Brown, Jay Inslee, and Andrew Cuomo formed the U.S. Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of American governors that commit to upholding the objectives of the Paris Agreement within their states’ borders.”
And Friday, “Governor Gavin Newsom today announced he is joining America Is All In as its newest Co-Chair. In each of the 50 states in the U.S. and across sectors, the coalition of state and local leaders aims to cut emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero emissions by 2050, while building resilience in the face of increasing climate impacts.”
“The Governor will serve alongside Managing Co-Chair Gina McCarthy and fellow Co-Chairs Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb.”
Grimes breaks it down even further when she notes that the first iteration of America Is All In started something called the Clean Energy Academy, which, contrary to what the name sounds like, did not teach school children the wonders of solar and wind turbines.
The blue state governors' little grifting 'academy' was created to groom the next Stacey Abrams et al. and their NGOs on how to bleed the EPA and Department of Energy IRA funds dry.
...America is All In created the Clean Energy Academy “to assist tax-exempt subnational organizations in securing clean energy funding from the Inflation Reduction Act.”
The Inflation Reduction Act was actually the Green New Deal.
“The Clean Energy Academy will help more than 20 ambitious organizations across 15 states tap into Inflation Reduction Act benefits to accelerate the clean energy transition.”
Sounds like a massive redistribution of wealth to non-profit and non-governmental organizations, just like USAID, exposed as a shadow government piggy bank for far-left causes.
Ah. It's as if a light came on, and all is revealed.
No wonder they hate Zeldin - he's cut the checks off (as has DOGE), and the academy must be scrambling for patsies for their graduates to grift off of at the moment.
Maybe they should open a satellite campus.
Not on the West Coast, though.
Californians: We’d like an end to rampant homelessness, skyrocketing crime, the ability to buy a home, send our kids to a school to get a decent education, and water for drinking and fighting fires.
— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) March 21, 2025
Gavin Newsom: The best I can do is launch a cow fart smelling satellite
They already
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