
Progs Getting Froggy and We Need a Pot

AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali

First of all, I just want to get it out there that I think this Tesla thing is way out of hand already.

The children have found something to focus their destructive tantrum energies on, and it seems like the adults were a little slow out of the gate slapping them back.

Or maybe, as we usually do, being the civilized half of society, we just figured they'd chill out and move on to something else.

But they're not. I believe they believe they've found their 'get away with it' groove and are going to run with it.

The worst dregs of the lunatic fringe are diving in with alacrity.

The woman in the video below was followed and then passed by a vehicle, which then stopped dead in the middle of the street, blocking her.

A masked, camouflaged POS got out of the car, stalked back towards her, and instead of running him over or reversing to get the hell out of there, she cracked the window to chat.



What that guy needed was the barrel of a .45 pointed at him when he rounded up on the window.

While this sick sumbitch can play the big intimidator menacing a single female driver in an anti-Second Amendment place like Washington state, where this happened, a weapon and probable discharge IS going to happen somewhere.

Just the tension in this constant and dangerous harassment alone... enough to send someone over the edge who is now frightened.

Or worse. The Tesla terrorist gets someone killed or kills someone.

But that's the idea behind this whole campaign, isn't it?

Making sure Tesla owners are worried about being Tesla owners?

None of these people are starving, are 'victims.'

And yet, here they are - indulging the very worst of their nature in unconscionable and wanton acts of destruction just #cuz.

I know what I would be doing if I owned a Tesla vehicle and there was one scratch - a scratch - on it I could not account for, less mind the wholesale destruction we've seen spooling up across the country.

I would reach out to other affected Tesla owners, pool our resources, find a willing law firm, and start filing incitement lawsuits for damages against every smirking and smug celebrity, every congressman and woman, every worthless governor and late-night talk show host and anti-Tesla organization who has tacitly endorsed and encouraged millions of people to destroy my personal property.

I would do it on my own if I had to. Start sending letters of intent to sue.

Jimmy Kimmel, John Cusack, Jasmine Crockett, Stephen Colbert, Tim's a long list.

Hit them where it hurts. They're acting out because Elon has cut off the government money. We need to come at them from the other side and shut them down.

Sue them back into the Stone Age.

Bondi will handle the 10-20 in the big house end of it for the criminals holding the gas cans, knives, keys, spray paint, and lighters. 

The progressives' next step up in violence is already being telegraphed and choreographed right in front of us through their media messaging system.

Is it so hard for the Left to 'Stop being psycho'?

I believe it's damn near an impossibility.

Remember how we all swore after the BLM riots and the COVID lockdowns we weren't taking progressive lawlessness anymore?

How we weren't going to stand for a double standard of behavior and consequences ever again?

It's time to remember that it's no longer their game with their #rulez.

We need to put a lid on the prog frog pot now.

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