All in the Family, American Psychos Episode

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

I have never been a Kennedy family fan, particularly of any of the generations past John, Bobby, and Teddy.

American royalty mystique?

They're over-indulged, well-to-do freaks, living off the martyrdom and money of one thin sliver of Kennedy family glory. If you strip ignominious, pre-Lion of the Senate harbor-diver Teddy out...


...Ted managed to escape the submerged car, and he later said that he dove down multiple times to try to rescue Kopechne before giving up. He said he made his way back to the party and then returned to the car with a cousin and a friend who also tried to rescue Kopechne but were not successful. They did not notify the police about the incident until approximately 10 hours after the crash.

...Ted did not call the police in the immediate hours after the incident, but other calls were made that night.

Numerous calls charged to Ted's credit cards were placed from phones at the rented cottage and at his hotel to Ted's staff, friends, family, advisors and lawyers, according to The New York Times. In the hours that followed the crash, a group of these people gathered at the Kennedy family's Hyannis Port compound on Cape Cod, presumably to figure out how to salvage Ted's political career.'s a micro-thin slice indeed.

Stand-up guys are few and far between. The fallen-from-grace Kennedys who have managed to right their ships and keep them that way are the ones who are the rare bird among this uber-liberal, hard-core Democratic flock.

One thing the family has always done is rally behind whoever is in the box for whatever trouble they've gotten themselves into. Be it Uncle Ted abandoning a young woman to a watery, ghastly grave, or decades later, his nephew being charged with rape (and eventually acquitted) after a bon vivant's outing at Uncle Ted's version of Epstein's Island.

This Easter Sunday is the 33rd anniversary of what the late Sen. Ted Kennedy would soon be describing as his family’s “traditional Easter weekend” in Palm Beach.

And indeed it was traditional, in the Kennedy meaning of the phrase, which is to say rape accusations, cruelty and epic drunkenness, not to mention entitlement and depravity of the sort that characterized the entire squalid life of Sen. Ted Kennedy.

But before recounting Ted Kennedy’s lost Easter weekend, consider that his fondest dream, our worst nightmare, is finally on the verge of being realized.

...At this point, can we stipulate that Easter Sunday is supposed to be not just a holiday, but also a holy day? But not so much for the Kennedys, apparently.

As you may recall, his nephew, William Kennedy Smith, was charged with raping a young single mother at the family’s North End mansion in the early-morning hours of Easter Saturday 1991.

Ted et al. had spent Good Friday tying one on, all day long. It all came out in the pre-trial depositions of the help at the mansion.

...Ted paid the bill at 11:40 and he and Patches headed back to the mansion, where they had lamb and… champagne. Another family tradition. The local cops came by later and asked where Willie and the senator was. The help lied and said they’d already fled.

Then the Kennedys had dinner.

“That was the night they opened some champagne,” the staffer recalled. “And it was a little celebration because it was Easter and —”

No member of the family had been accused of raping anybody for almost 36 hours.


Or any of the myriad cousins, grandchildren, and extended family who found themselves in some public spotlight for crimes both ghastly and sadly common...

After less than an hour of deliberation and four days of arguments, experts and evidence, a six-person jury returned a verdict Friday of not guilty in the drugged-driving trial of Kerry Kennedy.

The 54-year-old daughter of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was charged with a single count of driving while ability impaired by drugs, stemming from a July 13, 2012, incident in which she drove for miles down Interstate 684 while under the influence of Ambien, a fast-acting sleeping pill.

 ...the family always circled the wagons around the miscreant or transgressor and counted on the Kennedy 'magic' to do its work on both the public image and, if such was required, the authorities involved or a jury of their peers.

A son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy has been acquitted on all counts in a trial stemming from a clash at a Westchester hospital in January. 

Douglas Kennedy never took the stand at the trial, in which he faced child endangerment and physical harassment charges after a Jan. 7 scuffle on the maternity floor of Northern Westchester Hospital.  Kennedy was arrested after an altercation with nurses as he tried to remove his newborn from the maternity ward.

"The Court is not determining whether the defendant's behavior was wise or prudent but only whether the facts and the evidence support a finding that the defendant is guilty of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt," Mount Kisco Town Justice John J. Donohue wrote in his opinion.

Kennedy was accused of kicking one nurse and twisting the arm of another as they tried to prevent him from taking his newborn son, Anthony, outside.

There's enough sex, drugs, and rock n' roll to go around several dozen families.

And plenty of tragedy, too.

David Anthony Kennedy, 28 years old, who had led a deeply troubled life since the assassination of his father, Robert F. Kennedy, was found dead this morning in his room at a hotel here.

He had suffered heroin and alcohol addiction, but the cause of his death was not immediately determined.

There were ''no signs of foul play,'' said Sgt. Henry L. Marchman, spokesman for the Police Department of Palm Beach. The results of a preliminary autopsy tonight were being studied.

In Washington, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, David's uncle, issued a statement that said in part, ''We all pray that David has finally found the peace that he did not find in life.'

At the age of 13, watching television alone in a Los Angeles hotel room on June 5, 1968, David Kennedy saw his father fatally shot as the New York Senator celebrated his victory in the California Democratic Presidential primary.


Maybe more than other families? I don't know - sometimes I believe it feeds on itself. The assassination of their father surely did with Robert Kennedy's older children.

They're all rabid liberals, foaming at the mouth progressives for the most part.

These are the people RFK Jr's sister Rory helps support. She seems nice.

But they've always supported each other no matter what they were busy with, until RFK Jr decided to run for president.

Running as a Democrat against Joe Biden in the primaries, his family, including sisters, abandoned their brother...or felt he had left them. 

Rory politely explained why she couldn't support her brother.

Sister Kerry came out for Biden, too. Again, very politely dissing the Kennedy in favor of the Democrat. Loyalists to the core, 'My hero' she called the xPOTATUS

...Kerry Kennedy, a daughter of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, niece of former President John F. Kennedy and sister of the current presidential candidate, delivered the endorsements by calling Biden "my hero."

"We want to make crystal clear our feelings that the best way forward for America is to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for four more years," she said.

She never directly mentioned her brother, but insisted "there are only two candidates with any chance of winning the presidency" this year, framing the campaign as a choice between Biden and Trump, with no room for a third party contender.

Aw. Aren't they cute?


Everything was okay and on a socially correct level...

...until Bobby Jr made the fatal error of not endorsing the usurper and, worse - joining the Orange Man Bad team.

Even worse, he ripped the Democratic Party in a barn burner of a speech at Madison Square Garden.


And then the Bad Orange Man won, named the health nut as his head of Health and Human Services nominee, and the snarling, classless whackjobs have finally dumped all sense of decency.

Camelot's remaining heiress, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, took to the airwaves just prior to her cousin's confirmation hearings to air every bit of dirty laundry she could think of that had nothing to do with his qualifications for the job or the life he had made for himself after such a miserable start and so many wasted years...and years spent wasted.



In a charming, circle-the-wagons-like-mother-like-son moment, her adorable son, Jack, had to add his ten cents while mocking his uncle's physical disability.



Privileged, low-class psychos. Old Jack can't shut his mouth about his uncle.

Surprisingly, and so because I had to stumble across it as nowhere is it being reported with the shivs and arrows RFK Jr's receiving from cousins and such, is one positive and supposrtive family voice. And it's really quite nice.

Former Rhode Island congressman Patrick Kennedy, famous for his own drunk driving/Ambien-related accident while in Congress in 2009, has said his cousin is 'the leader we need to meet this moment.'

Former congressman Patrick Kennedy offered an unexpected defense of his controversial cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Tuesday, arguing that “on addiction policy, I believe he is the leader we need to meet this moment.” 

In a Washington Post letter to the editor, Patrick Kennedy cited his cousin’s unconditional support of his use of antidepressants and, later, his recovery from opioid addiction, during which he relied on the medication buprenorphine. RFK Jr.  has criticized antidepressants in the past. And though he is himself in recovery from opioid addiction, he has said little about buprenorphine or methadone, another effective but often-stigmatized medication used to treat opioid addiction, prompting concerns among many addiction medicine experts.  

The former Democratic lawmaker’s supportive statement was published a day before Kennedy Jr., who is President Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, faces a set of pivotal Senate confirmation hearings. It also came the same day as the Post reported on a separate letter in which another cousin accused Kennedy Jr. of leading relatives “down the path of substance abuse.”

To portray Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as “fundamentally opposed to modern medicine is misinformed and seems more calibrated to advance a political narrative than to help those struggling with addiction,” his younger cousin wrote in the letter. “I know that from personal experience. I’ve been sober for more than 13 years, but during my acute addiction to opioids, I received medication-assisted treatment, using buprenorphine, and later managed my depression with antidepressants.” 

The elder Kennedy was “unwaveringly supportive of me throughout our time together in 12-step recovery,” Patrick Kennedy wrote, even though his addiction-treatment journey made use of medications that sometimes face pushback in recovery circles.



That took courage.

He's probably not going to get any more Christmas cards, but considering what's been going on this week with the rest of that bunch of vicious hyenas?

I'll bet he's okay with that.

Come to think of it, I'll bet they both are.

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