Kamaliar: Goldman Sachs Reported 'Better' Debt Reduction Choice

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

What a difference a couple of days after a debate makes. It seems the Democratic nominee's performance, however stylized and scripted to the nth, hasn't produced any sign of the boost her campaign desperately sought. Indeed, it's beginning to look like the opposite effect might manifest.


And Trump's scattershot, irritated defense in the face of an unrelenting, three-pronged, 90-minute verbal assault has proven to be barely a knee scrape instead of the sucking chest wound we were all worried about.

I think Trump's dead to rights here - why go for a second round with Kamala Harris when the first so-called 'debate' is turning out to be nothing but a smoke-and-mirror session promotional segment sponsored by her friends at ABC News? 

He's got a campaign to run.

And the "Trump was right" score to run up against his mendacious opponent and her media co-conspirators. 

Why should he relitigate their same baseless arguments, false, defamatory, and/or manufactured assertions over again - even allow them the chance to give them airtime - when they're correcting themselves naturally?


...Kamala Harris and her willing accomplices in the mainstream media would have you believe that violent crime in America is at a 50-year low, a narrative eagerly parroted by so-called fact-checkers at Politifact and now ABC News. The reality, however, is far from what they claim. The only thing at a 50-year low is the integrity of violent crime data. Less than a year after taking office, Biden-Harris's administration had the FBI dismantle the long-standing crime reporting system, replacing it in 2021 with a new, 'woke' system that is optional for state and local law enforcement agencies to use. As a result, at least 6,000 law enforcement agencies aren't providing data, meaning that 25% of the country's crime data is not captured by the FBI. This deliberate underreporting skews the statistics, painting a falsely optimistic picture of public safety while real Americans continue to suffer from rising crime rates.

As a dear friend of ours from squadron days always says, in the deepest, syrupiest Southern accent, "What's the point?"

Why expend the energy when the after-action report is confirming the validity of every point you made, even post ABC tool "fact checks"  and, especially schweet, the emptiness if not downright fraudulent nature of her claims?


Harris's claims - the few she had time for as most of her energies were spent agreeing with the "moderators" leading questions about how badly Trump sucks and then attacking him personally for sucking so badly - aren't holding up under even the slightest of scrutiny.

While her allies at the moderator desk were careful to steer the flow of questions away from anything remotely economic, even going so far as to try to cut Trump off when he brought it up, there were times when the former president drew blood and Harris was forced to respond. In one of those instances, Trump hit her on inflation, and, in a jaw-dropping lie, the VP claimed that she and the vegetable had been forced to deal with Trump's rampant inflation. 

The moderators, of course, left Trump no chance to respond.

That claim was being quickly blown out of the water not only by people's memories and charts...

...but current government #mathz.


One Harris moment I found particularly jarring during the debate was her dismissal of Trump's plans to reduce the debt as so much fluff, while hers, she asserted, had the blessing of Goldman Sachs for being superior to his.

My first impression was, like, really? I think during the live blog of the debate, I said something akin to, "So now Dems are the party of Wall Street?" The other thing that struck me about it was that Trump's plans would be so far off Wall Street financial firms would come out so publicly against him. 

Kind of surprised me.

Stephen Moore heard the same thing, and we have an op-ed from him this morning noting those same Harris claims.

  ...Harris' only ideas for cutting the budget are gimmicks like Medicare price controls or revoking patents to lower costs. These are likely to hurt the economy more than help.

        Now we are hearing from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street analysts that Harris will be better for reducing debt than Trump. They seem to agree that a $4.6 trillion tax increase on business and investors is just what the doctor ordered.

        Have they told their clients that?

Turns out, I bet Stephen had already written that before he - much like me late yesterday - heard the CEO OF GOLDMAN SACHS tell a reporter that's not exactly what happened, explaining a bigger deal is being made of this than should be.

Long story short - an independent analyst was asked to run reports on some competing Harris and Trump program proposals, did so, and Harris came out ahead on a couple of them...by two-tenths of a percentage point.


The Harris campaign spun that into a Goldman Sachs endorsement.

This is a pretty bad look, or it would be if a campaign had any integrity.

But I'll bet you dollars to donuts, out-and-out fabricated endorsement that this is, the line stays in her stump speech just like Charlottesville does because they have nothing else.

Victor Davis Hanson (VDH as he's affectionately known) was on Jesse Watters last night. He's always on target, but he said something so insightful that goes straight to the heart of the disdain the Democrats treat the AMERICAN public with and Trump voters specifically, that, in the spirit of the Harris campaign's disassociation with reality, I wanted to share.

Professional race-baiting grievance hustler Elie Mystal was on an MSNBC panel with Joy Reid, and they were all grinning like hyenas as they tore into Trump and Trump supporters as "despicable" (this election cycle's "deplorable," I guess). Watters pointed out what a vacuous phony Harris is and then asked VDH why they would call not just Trump but Trump supporters despicable.


What did they hope to gain from that?

The answer was pure truth poetry.

(His segment starts at 10:50 in)

...Because they're no longer a party of the middle class. They're a party of the plutocratic, bi-coastal, highly credentialed elite and the subsidized poor.

So they romanticize the poor at a distance - the DEI distance. They don't want to be around them but they romanticize them - maybe out of guilt, or who knows what. 

But the Democratic Party is the party of the elite, and that's why they come up with these adjectives - deplorable, irredeemables, clingers, chumps, dregs, hobbits, crazies. I'm just quoting Barack Obama, Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John McCain.

And that's what...they have nothing but contempt, and their policies show it. Their policies are anti-middle-class.

I believe more of the middle class is waking up to this after three and a half years with no mean tweets but a vastly lowered standard of living while then being told not to believe their lying eyes.

After watching the person who has helped orchestrate the past three and a half years of failure, she now joyfully pretends she was never there. Ergo it never happened, and she's the fresh start - the "new page" the Rubes have all been waiting to turn as their world collapsed.

It has to be most disconcerting that we of the knuckle-dragging orders now have access to, say, the statement from Goldman's CEO instead of only the VP's highly embellished version of her lived experience and freely come to our own determination of the truth.


If it were up to her, we wouldn't have that freedom. If Harris wins, she'll make damn we never can again.

It has to be immensely annoying to be constantly questioned by deplorable clingers from the dregs.

Insufferable knowing they then spread such misinformation, completely forgetting their place.

It's just despicable.

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