NJ High School Yearbook Poofs! Jewish Student Names, Replaces Their Club Picture With Muslim Students

AP Photo/Daniel Hulshizer, File

I'm sure we're gonna hear this was just all a big mistake, maybe a big joke "gone wrong," right...?

But ya know - somehow, it doesn't seem like it was.

To get this far, oooh - stinks of something pretty darn deliberate and pretty damn vile.


It wasn't just a prank that got through all the layers of a yearbook committee, including the advisors who are faculty members, the supposed proofreading, etc., before uploading to the publishing company.

A swapperooskie of this magnitude took some serious coordination and some serious lip-zipping for it to slide by.

A yearbook photo controversy is rocking a New Jersey high school and the surrounding community, after the names of those in a Jewish student group were omitted from the pages — and their group photo was replaced with one showing Muslim students.

The superintendent of East Brunswick schools has vowed to investigate how it all happened. In the section of the yearbook where each student group is listed, the Jewish Student Union's section had no names listed. And as for the group's photo that goes alongside it, officials said it appeared to show Muslim students who had no affiliation with the group.

"I sent a message out to the community today saying that we’re investigating - and I wished people would give us time to investigate, not rush to judgment," said Superintendent Victor Valeski. "I’m gonna wait to find out what the investigation finds, because it could be a legitimate mistake. So I don’t want to call it antisemitism yet."

School leaders echoed that call for patience as the district looks into whether someone was behind the decision, or if it was an honest mistake.



If you believe it was an 'honest mistake,' you'll buy this watch! *holds up empty wrist*

The faculty advisor for the yearbook club issued her "mistakes were made" disclaimer.

...Brittany VanDyke, the faculty adviser for the yearbook, also sent a letter to her club members acknowledging the “mistake not caught in editing and printed unintentionally.” 

We know what happened, we know our truth and we are working hard to rectify this situation immediately,” VanDyke wrote. 

Oh, brother. The second I hear "we know our truth," it's all I can do to keep my eyeballs from rolling right out of my head.


No way could something this vile possibly slip by someone so on the ball.

It doesn't sound as if the mayor of East Brunswick, Brad Cohen, is on board with the school superintendent's beat-around-the-bush "accident" theory.

Mayor Cohen's snorting fire and it's pretty apparent he has little patience with a kinder, gentler approach.

...There are hundreds of copies of the yearbook currently in circulation. Cohen has questioned if the omission should be considered a hate crime, if it was indeed done maliciously.

"I think the community — both the Jewish community and community at-large — deserve an answer to this quickly," Cohen said. "It’s downright upsetting and outrageous for you not to call it out for what it is: It is an antisemitic act. It doesn’t imply who did it, not making any accusation of who did it — that’s up to the investigation."


The name omissions and photo swap are also causing heartburn not just because of the anti-Semitic implications of the dirty deed but also, understandably, with parents of some of the Muslim students whose faces were in the picture substituted for the Jewish club. Those kids are being judged guilty by association.

...A Muslim parent says the students in the photo had nothing to do with the error yet they are being singled out for harassment on social media.

Which had Superintendent Valeski Groveling all over again.

...Superintendent Victor Valeski also issued a statement apologizing to the Mulsim student community.

"I want to offer sincere apologies to our Muslim students and families, as well. I am aware that the picture placed in the yearbook has caused pain for our Muslim students and for that I am deeply sorry. We work every day to foster an inclusive school environment for all EB students but I realize that new work needs to be done every day to make that a reality," he wrote.

What a hot mess.

According to Valeski, they have the records of everything that was uploaded to the publisher and who did it, so this should be a relatively easy investigation at that point. What they need to be able to determine is who put the page together, and whatever software they use for that now tracks changes. With everything I've been able to find on what they use to put yearbooks together these days, it should be pretty easy to lay out when and what happened.

byu/magcargoman from discussion

Now, you might think this is a tempest in a NJ teapot, but nasty anti-Semitic tricksies and rants are suddenly all the rage in yearbooks. Who knew?

...The incident in New Jersey is part of a disturbing trend of yearbook controversies in American high schools that appeared to target Jewish students.

On Tuesday, California’s Palos Verdes High School yearbook featured a student-written and teacher-approved article titled, “Whose Land Is It Anyway?,” which allegedly blames Israel for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack that left more than 1,200 dead and about 250 others kidnapped, local KTLA 5 reports.

And last week in Chicago, the Glenbrook South High School yearbook included a quote from a student who claimed they were “happy” about the terror attack because it meant Palestinians were “finally defending themselves,” according to CBS 2.

A similar incident occurred last month when Texas’ Bellaire High School yearbook included a “Times of Palestine” page that omitted the Oct. 7 massacre and merely wrote, “What happened, happened.”

Who needs it? And why tolerate it?

What needs to be done is every single one of these "faculty advisors" needs to be looking for a new job, to start with. That would guarantee eyeballs focused on a presentable, acceptable to all yearbook, instead of the socially and politically slanted ones they're surreptitiously sliding out. Very much in the same fashion as these same "educators" surreptitiously slide their progressive ideology into your children's tender brains without your knowledge or permission. It's all part and parcel of the same plan from gender to Jews.


Don't accept "their truth" any longer. 

Demand accountability. 

Accept that you can always hire another faculty member who might even do the job better. A yearbook advisor who would do the job sans "accidents," and, at their very best, without malice in their heart.

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