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New YAF Poll: The Kids Are Alright
Ed Morrissey
10:40 AM | March 25, 2025
Once Again, Life Catches Up to The Bee
Beege Welborn
2:40 PM | January 16, 2025
Double Blow to Biden's Unconstitutional Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme
Karen Townsend
10:40 AM | June 25, 2024
Broward Brouhaha When HS Girl Volleyball Player Turns Out to Be...SURPRISE...a Guy
Beege Welborn
2:30 PM | June 19, 2024
Anyone Seen What's Happening at Diego Garcia Lately?
Outclevered Themselves: German Carmakers Face Billions in Tariff Losses, Mexican Locations No Relief
Thursday's Final Word
Wind Foes Hoping to Score Wins in a Friendlier Climate
Feel-Good Friday: The Kid Thought He Gave a Homeless Man a Dollar Edition
Karen Townsend
4:40 PM | May 10, 2024
Chicago: How about a little gang war to liven up your summer?
Beege Welborn
9:21 PM | July 31, 2023
So Chicago this weekend...hope you weren't there
Beege Welborn
8:41 PM | July 24, 2023
WaPo: Primaries suuuure look like a youth wave so far
Ed Morrissey
10:31 AM | June 22, 2022
Study: Barring unprecedented youth turnout, Bernie is the weakest candidate against Trump
3:01 PM | February 25, 2020
The old men leading the Dem primary are too old
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | May 20, 2019
A murder in Illinois may clarify the youth sentencing question
Jazz Shaw
8:41 PM | May 31, 2017
Even the WaPo is taking a fresh look at youth sentencing laws in D.C.
Jazz Shaw
8:21 PM | December 12, 2016
Hundreds of D.C. murders committed by "youths" who received lenient sentences
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | December 03, 2016
The one group demanding voting rights which likely doesn't need it
Jazz Shaw
7:01 PM | June 11, 2016
Louisiana court system struggles with whether or not 17 year olds are adults
Jazz Shaw
11:01 AM | May 08, 2016
Hillary: You young people with your protest votes are so cute, you know
Ed Morrissey
12:31 PM | April 06, 2016
Democrats: the "Get Off My Damn Lawn" party?
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | November 09, 2015
Quotes of the day
8:01 PM | November 08, 2015
When kids are tried as adults
Jazz Shaw
9:21 PM | March 17, 2015
So, is Obama's student-loan executive order actually going to do anything to mitigate rising tuition prices?
Erika Johnsen
5:01 PM | June 10, 2014
Yikes: Wendy Davis trails Greg Abbott in Texas -- among women
5:21 PM | April 15, 2014
Gallup: Europeans not feeling great about their business, entrepreneurship prospects
Erika Johnsen
8:41 PM | March 24, 2014
Yikes: ObamaCare signups slowed down in February
Erika Johnsen
6:01 PM | March 11, 2014
HealthCare.Gov shutting down for maintenance -- and just in time for Youth Enrollment day!
Erika Johnsen
6:41 PM | February 11, 2014
WSJ: College costs and inter-student subsidization getting more and more bloated
Erika Johnsen
7:01 PM | January 11, 2014
CoveredCalifornia would like young people to drop it like it's hot. Wait, wha...?
Erika Johnsen
6:01 PM | December 12, 2013
Just what you always wanted: "Health care for the holidays"!
Erika Johnsen
3:21 PM | November 01, 2013
Ouch: Teen employment still lingering around record lows
Erika Johnsen
12:41 PM | August 30, 2013
Krauthammer: The govt intrudes in pretty much everything, and "now it’s going to regulate graduation rates?"
Erika Johnsen
11:21 AM | August 23, 2013
Hmm: Obama unveils new plan for college-rating system and federal aid
Erika Johnsen
7:31 PM | August 22, 2013
ICYMI: The Ted Cruz hit piece that wasn't
Erika Johnsen
10:01 PM | August 19, 2013
At last: The ObamaCare-fangirlism young adults' video contest
Erika Johnsen
4:41 PM | August 19, 2013
Study: ObamaCare's bum deal for young people, quantified
Erika Johnsen
4:41 PM | August 16, 2013
Study: Record number of young people still living at home
Erika Johnsen
10:11 AM | August 02, 2013
Senate still trying, failing to adopt a student-loan fix
Erika Johnsen
6:01 PM | July 10, 2013
Pew: Strongest support for Snowden comes from young adults -- and tea partiers
6:15 PM | June 17, 2013
Obama on student loan rates: "It's like déjà vu all over again." ...Yes, yes it is.
Erika Johnsen
4:41 PM | May 31, 2013
Overdue student loans hit an all-time high as Obama prepares to hype low rates
Erika Johnsen
6:01 PM | May 29, 2013
Democrats head home with ObamaCare messaging strategy in hand
Erika Johnsen
8:41 PM | May 28, 2013
Sebelius touts ObamaCare as a boon to graduates instead of the war on the young it actually is
Erika Johnsen
8:41 PM | May 22, 2013
Woah: Greece's youth unemployment rises above 60 percent
Erika Johnsen
7:21 PM | May 10, 2013
By the way: Total student loan debt now topping one trillion dollars
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | April 12, 2013
Eurozone unemployment hits a record 12 percent
Erika Johnsen
12:01 PM | April 02, 2013
Quotes of the day
11:05 PM | November 14, 2012
Sandra Fluke: The job market for graduates is getting better, you know
8:55 PM | June 14, 2012
Video: Get off of Jonah Goldberg's lawn, you darned kids
Ed Morrissey
5:46 PM | May 12, 2012
"Days of Rage" comes to Boston: "They wanted to be arrested and we obliged."
Tina Korbe
4:30 PM | October 01, 2011