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Michelle Goldberg
The Left Is Upset That Their Protesters Can't Ignore All the Rules All the Time
John Sexton
1:00 PM | April 19, 2024
The War in Gaza is Making Life Difficult for The Squad
John Sexton
4:00 PM | November 17, 2023
Michelle Goldberg: The leftist impulse to justify Hamas' attack on Israel is pretty disturbing
John Sexton
8:40 PM | October 12, 2023
NY Times readers let Ibram Kendi have it
John Sexton
12:41 PM | September 26, 2023
'This is War': Trump Takes an Axe to Government Unions
Wowsahs: Elon and the DOGErs Formally Introduce Themselves
The Funniest DEI Scam
The Democratic Party Died But the Autopsy Results Are Being Ignored
Progressive groups are in a panic because donors aren't giving
John Sexton
9:20 PM | September 19, 2023
Jonathan Haidt on why the mental health of liberal girls sank first and fastest
John Sexton
8:40 PM | March 16, 2023
Is the right's focus on wokeness a sign of weakness?
John Sexton
1:20 PM | March 10, 2023
Michelle Goldberg: My knee-jerk progressive reaction to teen depression was wrong and conservatives might be right
John Sexton
6:40 PM | February 24, 2023
Michelle Goldberg: This left-leaning college shutting down an art show is bad news
John Sexton
3:32 PM | February 14, 2023
There's a new Harry Potter game out next month and JK Rowling haters are furious (Update: Post readers respond)
John Sexton
1:00 PM | January 24, 2023
The Munk Debate: Should you trust the mainstream media?
John Sexton
4:00 PM | December 05, 2022
NY Times opinion columnists on the things they got wrong (sort of)
John Sexton
1:20 PM | July 21, 2022
Michelle Goldberg: Feminism has reached a 'moment of despair'
John Sexton
1:27 PM | June 17, 2022
Michelle Goldberg: Overturning Roe will tear America apart
John Sexton
1:20 PM | May 06, 2022
Dam breaking? NYT runs "end mandatory school masking" op-ed
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | January 28, 2022
Michelle Goldberg: Some of this social justice stuff really is nonsense
John Sexton
4:00 PM | November 16, 2021
NY Times' columnist Michelle Goldberg downplays cancel culture (but her readers disagree)
John Sexton
4:00 PM | September 21, 2021
Michelle Goldberg, Andrew Yang and the mentally ill homeless
John Sexton
8:30 PM | June 19, 2021
Anti-Semitic attacks leave the left wrestling with climate of hate argument they've loved in the past (Update)
John Sexton
3:15 PM | May 25, 2021
Are we close to the end of Roe v Wade and if so what happens next?
John Sexton
7:30 PM | April 14, 2021
Michelle Goldberg: The collapse of #MeToo (why Democrats aren't calling for Cuomo's resignation) (Update)
John Sexton
1:05 PM | March 04, 2021
Here's what's wrong with Michelle Goldberg's piece 'The Campaign to Cancel Wokeness'
John Sexton
1:45 PM | February 26, 2021
Michelle Goldberg: The left really does have a free speech problem
John Sexton
4:41 PM | July 17, 2020
Michelle Goldberg: Democrats would never have put forward a story with as many problems as Tara Reade's
John Sexton
3:01 PM | May 05, 2020
The double standards continue at the NY Times
John Sexton
7:03 PM | April 14, 2020
NY Times columnist: 'I think I’m experiencing democracy grief'
John Sexton
8:31 PM | December 14, 2019
NY Times Opinion: Should Virginia law really make 'fine-grained moral distinctions' about life and death issues?
John Sexton
3:21 PM | February 01, 2019
Jordan Peterson and the left-wing smear machine
John Sexton
1:21 PM | May 25, 2018
Michael Dyson to Jordan Peterson: 'You're a mean, mad, white man'
John Sexton
7:23 PM | May 21, 2018
The wagons are starting to circle around Al Franken
8:41 PM | November 21, 2017
Slate offers defense of Antifa
John Sexton
7:21 PM | August 22, 2017