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Mark Kelly
Democrats have blown it on crime, say ... Vox and The American Prospect
Ed Morrissey
8:01 PM | November 03, 2022
Schumer told Biden that Sen. Warnock's chances in Georgia were 'going downhill'
John Sexton
3:20 PM | October 28, 2022
Matt Yglesias: Republicans will win the House and probably the Senate
John Sexton
1:01 PM | October 20, 2022
Trafalgar: Lake ahead, Masters surging in AZ
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | October 19, 2022
Now She Tells Us...
Mayor Adams, Dear Mayor Adams! You're Now Obnoxious and Disliked, That Cannot Be Denied
More CNN #Sadz: Frank Luntz Says Clinton Voters Who Flipped to Trump 'Lovin' It'
Is 'Brokenism' The True Political Divide?
"Pummeled"? Blake Masters calls on Mark Kelly to resign in AZ Senate debate
Ed Morrissey
4:41 PM | October 07, 2022
From Sweden to the U.S.: Folks getting tired of being told they're too "undereducated" to wipe their own noses
Beege Welborn
9:31 PM | September 19, 2022
About face: GOP Senate candidates start inching away from full abortion bans in new ads
6:01 PM | August 25, 2022
The new Senate polls are grim. But can they be trusted?
1:21 PM | August 19, 2022
Sinema: Let's make a deal
Ed Morrissey
8:31 AM | August 05, 2022
Too good to check: Biden to build Trump's border wall after all?
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | July 29, 2022
CNN: "Vulnerable Democrats" suddenly very concerned over "inflation crisis"
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | July 18, 2022
Senate Dem incumbents to Biden: Don't stand so close to me
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | July 12, 2022
Say, where is Mark Kelly these days -- and where's the media?
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | May 26, 2022
Sinema: If the CDC is extending mask mandates in transit, why is Biden lifting Title 42?
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | April 14, 2022
WaPo: Drowning Biden grabs onto gun control
Ed Morrissey
10:11 AM | April 11, 2022
Midterm signals: Kelly looking to break out of Biden's orbit
Ed Morrissey
10:36 AM | April 06, 2022
Dems to Biden: Don't stand so close to we
Ed Morrissey
10:11 AM | February 07, 2022
Kelly to AZ Dems: Knock off the attacks on Sinema
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | January 26, 2022
VIP Gold chat: Ninth Circuit templates, Kelly's fate, Biden's mandates, Schumer's freight, and more! - Replay Available
Ed Morrissey
7:01 AM | January 26, 2022
Mark Kelly finally walks the plank, says he supports changing the filibuster
1:31 PM | January 19, 2022
Politico: Schumer's filibuster push will burn more than just Manchin, Sinema
Ed Morrissey
8:23 AM | January 11, 2022
New Dem strategy: Force Manchin to choose. Manchin: Not buying it.
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | December 07, 2021
Did Cornyn just signal a hands-off GOP approach to Sinema in 2024?
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | November 17, 2021
Today's big question: Is reconciliation dead?
Ed Morrissey
3:21 PM | November 03, 2021
Sinema to Dems: I told Biden what I want -- and what I don't
Ed Morrissey
10:36 AM | October 13, 2021
Senate Dem: We're gonna get to the bottom of this disgrace in Afghanistan; UPDATE: Pelosi too?
Ed Morrissey
8:25 AM | August 18, 2021
"You're the problem": Progressives launch another campaign blitz against Sinema
Ed Morrissey
4:41 PM | July 29, 2021
Harsh reality for progressives: Manchin and Sinema aren't the only Democrats opposed to ending the filibuster
John Sexton
3:30 PM | June 21, 2021
NBC: Progressives spending $1.4M against Sinema over filibuster, but ...
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | June 21, 2021
Sen. Sinema on the border: 'This is a crisis...we all know it'
John Sexton
3:00 PM | May 07, 2021
Sen. Mark Kelly: I didn't hear Biden's plan to deal with the border crisis
John Sexton
1:00 PM | April 29, 2021
Senate Dems bailing out of court packing?
Ed Morrissey
6:31 PM | April 22, 2021
Final NBC/Marist poll of Arizona shows a tie
John Sexton
7:01 PM | November 02, 2020
The humiliation(?) of Martha McSally
11:31 AM | October 29, 2020
Report: Mark Kelly dressed as Hitler at Halloween Party, Kelly camp denies it's him and provides witnesses
John Sexton
8:41 PM | October 23, 2020
Martha McSally: Let's give every taxpayer a $4,000 credit to go on vacation
11:31 AM | June 23, 2020
Trump advisors warn McConnell: Martha McSally's in trouble in Arizona
9:21 PM | May 21, 2020
More Martha McSally: Won't you please send me some money after I owned that liberal hack reporter?
7:21 PM | January 17, 2020
I'm not ready for a world where Arizona has two Democratic senators
1:31 PM | August 20, 2019
Uh oh: Giffords' husband to take on McSally for McCain seat in 2020
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | February 12, 2019
Big surprise: Student gun control activists have been getting help from Democrats, progressive groups
John Sexton
5:01 PM | February 28, 2018
Why would a gun-control advocate want to buy an AR-15?
5:21 PM | March 13, 2013
Open thread: Sunday morning talking heads
8:01 AM | February 03, 2013
Dick Durbin to Gabby Giffords's husband: We should have held a hearing after the Tucson shooting
6:46 PM | January 30, 2013