Results for: "Brian Williams"
Video: When Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News covered Hillary's "Tuzla Dash"…ams-and-nbc-nightly-news-covered-hillarys-tuzla-dash-n195974…ams-and-nbc-nightly-news-covered-hillarys-tuzla-dash-n195974
As Allahpundit wrote earlier, the scope of the Brian Williams fabulism scandal at NBC News requires an accurate set of data points … Update: In fact. the year before this (2007), Williams made his fable a part of a tough interview question:
Brian Williams telling…
Brian Williams is an honest man, says ... Dan Rather; Update: Contradictory accounts?
seen either Williams himself or someone in his industry whining about how mean the great unwashed of the Internet are to poor Brian Williams…
Brian Williams 2013: I thought I was going to die when my chopper was fired on…ught-i-was-going-to-die-when-my-chopper-was-fired-on-n195970…ught-i-was-going-to-die-when-my-chopper-was-fired-on-n195970
The lie seems more brazen with each telling so let’s make sure to flag all of them. Here’s a nifty catch by Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller from an interview Williams gave to Alec Baldwin two years ago in which he claimed he “briefly” thought he might die when...
Media in crisis: Can Brian Williams' career survive?; Update: "An NBC News-wide scandal"
The startling admission yesterday by NBC News anchor and managing editor Brian Williams that he falsified a tale that he had been telling … Brian Williams just signed a contract extension, believed to be $10 million per year, and the president of the network declared, “Brian…
Williams: Hey, my bad on that whole my-helicopter-was-hit-by-an-RPG thing, y'all…hat-whole-my-helicopter-was-hit-by-an-rpg-thing-yall-n195956…hat-whole-my-helicopter-was-hit-by-an-rpg-thing-yall-n195956
Er … Brian Williams, even though the anchor of NBC News has been telling that story for more than a decade. … online archive shows the network broadcast a news story on March 26, 2003, with the headline, “Target Iraq: Helicopter NBC’s Brian Williams…
CNN poll: 52% think NBC should let Williams return as anchor
This could be Brian Williams’ greatest triumph since he battled those gangs for control of the Ritz-Carlton in chest-high waters during … given the scandal plenty of coverage, took the poll:
A new CNN/ORC poll shows a sharp divide in the country’s reactions to Brian Williams … was entirely false:
In the initial NBC broadcast where he described his 2003 Iraq reporting mission, embattled NBC anchor Brian Williams…
Forgiving Brian Williams
Earlier this month, I asked the question, Should we really be glad to see Brian Williams go? … All of this brouhaha revolved around the ego of Brian Williams, and being reduced to doing the sort of satire which always used to…
Video: NBC's awkward Brian Williams moments at SNL anniversary party
its anniversary special cast totally ignored the biggest media story of the month in its celebration — leaving the subject of Brian Williams … Like for example, I just found out that one of the original cast members in 1975 was Brian Williams,” Jerry Seinfeld said when he took…
Breaking: Kitzhaber to resign today; Update: Effective February 18th
Earlier on Twitter, Allahpundit remarked that today had the feel of a Brian-Williams-resigns kind of document-dump Friday.…
Another chopper whopper: Did Williams lie about Seal Team 6?
If this turns out to be a lie, it might be one of more egregious of Brian Williams’ truncated-for-now career. … Brian Williams. BOOM!
— ¡El Sooopèrr!…
Brian Williams probably won’t be back
When NBC News imposed a six-month suspension on Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, they might as well have just let him go.…
Quotes of the day
disastrous left-wing policies of The Precious…
And because Uncle Jon always did what was expected of him — like use the current Brian Williams…
Kurtz: NBC is trying to save Williams' job with 6-month suspension
It looks more like NBC Universal wants to get as much distance from Brian Williams and what looks like a track record of serial fabrication…
Jon Stewart calls it quits on the Daily Show
about the theory floated by the Morning Joe crew today when they speculated that Stewart made the announcement as a favor to Brian Williams…
Breaking: Williams suspended for 6 mos without pay by NBC; Update: "Dossier of apparent Williams lies"
The wages of journalistic sin, at least in the case of Brian Williams, are six months without wages — and without an office. … Williams will come back in late September, while Lester Holt fills in as anchor:
We have decided today to suspend Brian Williams … Politico’s Dylan Byers thinks it looks grim for Williams’ future … and not just his:
Brian Williams probably isn’t coming back.…
Video: Are you ready for the, um ... CNN anchorman quiz show?
To cleanse the palate, via Mediaite, I feel about this the way I feel about the Brian Williams saga.…
Jon Stewart sacrifices his remaining credibility in defense of Brian Williams?…s-remaining-credibility-in-defense-of-brian-williams-n196080…s-remaining-credibility-in-defense-of-brian-williams-n196080
to depart from that predictable course on Monday when he engaged in a perilous defense of his friend and frequent companion, Brian Williams … “It might not necessarily be the first person you’d want held accountable on that list but never again will Brian Williams mislead…
Tuesday TEMS: Andrew Malcolm, Jim Geraghty (Updated)
It’s not Tuesday on #TEMS without Andrew Malcolm, so we’ll talk with the Prince of Twitter about the Brian Williams scandal and other…
Katrina hotel manager: Maybe Williams "misremembered" that too
Another of Brian Williams’ courage-under-fire stories continues to unravel. … their unit at all:
In the initial NBC broadcast where he described his 2003 Iraq reporting mission, embattled NBC anchor Brian Williams … I mean, cross-dressing Bruce Jenner killed somebody, but Brian Williams is still trending.”…
Media: Post-Falklands War Argentina wasn’t a war zone, but Ferguson was
Still stung following the outing of the serial embellisher and former NBC News anchor, Brian Williams, the liberal press is apparently … If Brian Williams had only inaccurately recalled his experience in a helicopter that he erroneously said had come under fire in Iraq…
VA Secretary: Sorry about that whole "I was in Special Ops" thing, y'all
McDonald isn’t in Brian Williams territory, at least not with this one incident, although if more arise that might change.…
Former network news reporter: My network didn't want to hold government accountable…my-network-didnt-want-to-hold-government-accountable-n196781…my-network-didnt-want-to-hold-government-accountable-n196781
Myers left NBC a year ago after clashing with Brian Williams over his refusal to air reports that he considered “divisive,” but that … Brian Williams appears to have chosen sides, and didn’t want to hold Obama administration accountable, even for its lies.…
Did Brian Williams bury stories that hurt the Obama administration?…ury-stories-that-would-hurt-the-obama-administration-n196702…ury-stories-that-would-hurt-the-obama-administration-n196702
The departure, temporary so far, of Brian Williams has provided a measure of relief to NBC’s beleaguered news division.…
O’Reilly’s Falklands coverage is what landed him his anchor job in Boston
been plenty of coverage of Bill O’Reilly and the efforts of critics to tie him into the same sort of scandal which engulfed Brian Williams … But the entire Brian Williams saga has opened up an era of investigation of the investigators and reporters.…
WaPo: Kerry has a Brian Williams problem
And yet, like Brian Williams claiming to have come under fire in Iraq, Kerry has repeatedly placed himself at the center of the action—and…