Tuesday TEMS: Andrew Malcolm, Jim Geraghty (Updated)

Update: Due to a combination of weather conditions and technical problems, we could not do the Relevant Radio hit today, but I’ll return to guest host for Drew in March. Instead, we have Andrew and Jim at our normal time of 4 ET — and we’ll do a little Face the Chat, too.


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Today I get to step outside the box a bit again, and guest-host for Drew Mariani at Relevant Radio! The Catholic talk-radio network has 34 stations, both O&O and affiliates, as well as an webstream and an app that plays live and podcasted shows. Today I have a great line-up of guests:

  • Alejandro Bermudez will discuss the murder of a prosecutor in Argentina and what that means for international relations, plus will also discuss the declared martyrdom of Oscar Romero, as well as two Polish priests from Peru.
  • My friend John Thavis, longtime Vaticanista and author of The Vatican Diaries, speaks to us from Rome to talk about his coverage of Pope Francis and the status — and necessity — of Curia reform.
  • Jim Geraghty cleans up his act to talk about David Axelrod’s admission that President Obama lied about his stance on same-sex marriage to gain an electoral edge. Does this demonstrate why so many people of faith have become cynical about politics?
  • Sister Helena Burns, who studied film at UCLA before entering the religious life, discusses the impact of the film 50 Shades of Grey and the entertainment industry in general. Be prepared for a lively conversation!
  • It’s not Tuesday on #TEMS without Andrew Malcolm, so we’ll talk with the Prince of Twitter about the Brian Williams scandal and other media stories.
  • Danielle Bean of the Catholic Match Institute joins us in our final two segments to discuss National Marriage Week, how to celebrate marriages, and how CMI helps.

Sr. Helena and I will be talking about an alternative choice to 50 Shades this weekend called Old Fashioned. Here’s the trailer for it:

We may add more before the show starts today, plus we will have an abbreviated and pre-recorded version of Drew’s chaplet of Divine Mercy. We will also take your calls at 1-877-766-3777You can also listen on the Relevant Radio app no matter where you are in the world, so download it now. I’ll look forward to talking with you!

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