Results for: Beege Welborn
#Bidenomics Update: Mortgage Math in a Tight Housing Market
Yeah, we all know they’re lying through their teeth about the turkey, as my girlfriend Karen pointed out earlier today.
But housing prices are still high as the dickens, and why is that?
Because there’s such short supply and for a number of reasons. But the biggest is...
Waving the #Waah Flag - World Climate Cult Party Goers Haz the #Sadz This Year…orld-climate-cult-party-goers-haz-the-sadz-this-year-n594048…orld-climate-cult-party-goers-haz-the-sadz-this-year-n594048
Lord knows it can’t have been easy for them, and LORD KNOWS I’ve tried to do my part chronicling their miserable, horrible, awful, not-so-very-nice year here for you all to share.
Gentle, controlling souls that they are, they seem to be able to take only so much before feeling...
When Pro-Hamas Bomb Throwers Turn Out to Be Pasty-Faced White Girls…bomb-throwers-turn-out-to-be-pasty-faced-white-girls-n593907…bomb-throwers-turn-out-to-be-pasty-faced-white-girls-n593907
Truism here: You’ve always got to watch out for the female of the species. The face presented to you does not always faithfully represent what’s going on inside the skull it’s draped over.
Take, for instance, a gamin, freckle-faced, tomboyish teen who looks so wispy a wee wind could...
Chicago Teachers' Union Got Some 'Splainin' to Do
Is no one in that city any good with money?
And for “teachers” – the #mathz does not add up.
Chicago teachers are seeing a little less in their paychecks this school year, thanks to the Chicago Teachers Union.
The union has raised members’ dues by over...
Out of Control Dictator Now Seizing Drug Patents UPDATE
Thought I was talking about something MSNBC said about Trump, right?
The perp is kindly, transparent, defender of democracy POTATUS.
Brother Bingley was kind enough to alert me to this peculiar development, but, as he used somewhat incendiary language, I’ll not be sharing the email....
More Road Bumps Develop in Not-So-Smooth Transition to EVs
At the end of November – in mangled Pig Latin, I might add – I told you about pressure POTATUS was receiving from car dealers to back off the electric vehicle mandates. Across the board, and with every car-maker, they were having trouble unloading what they already had, less mind...
That Popping Sound is Dem Heads 'Sploding: Episode 3 of 'Fetterman Strikes Again'…heads-sploding-episode-3-of-fetterman-strikes-again-n597489…heads-sploding-episode-3-of-fetterman-strikes-again-n597489
GAWDDDD this is getting to be such fun!
Just a couple of days ago I had a piece on just how very vexing to Democrats – and how very reasonable to the rest of us – Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman had suddenly become post-October 7th....
Drugs and Gangs in Brussels Sprout Repeated, Deadly Violence
It seems even the most idyllic countries in our imaginations – cities with the fairytale flower and art lined canals of calendar shots – are now plagued by violence fueled by gangs and drugs.
Brussels, Belgium, is one such place, as is her sister city, the seaport of Antwerp....
What If FL Dems Canceled Their Prez Primary Not to Torpedo Marianne Williamson...But DeSantis? UPDATED…mary-not-to-torpedo-marianne-williamson-but-desantis-n597313…mary-not-to-torpedo-marianne-williamson-but-desantis-n597313
The head of Florida’s Democratic Party is a failed gubernatorial candidate (who flamed out in spectacular fashion), and universally acknowledged to be a bear of very little brains. How and who the geniuses responsible for deciding that Nikki Fried, former state agriculture commissioner, was the sharpest shiv available to lead...
Oil $ Wars
Notice anything about the price at the pump?
It’s down a good bit, right?
Oil now below $70 bucks a barrel.A few thoughts here:1) Now would be a good time to refill the SPR.2) With oil at the same level as it was in early 2018, it's clear oil...
OTD in 2019 - The NAS Pensacola Terrorist Attack
It’s been four years. Hard to believe because it seems like, maybe, a week ago.
I can still hear the sirens of the police vehicles and ambulances screaming down the highway about a mile from the house. And I can still hear major dad telling me as I...
Asst. Law Prof Politely Suggests Hamas Rape Victims Check Their Victimization…uggests-hamas-rape-victims-check-their-victimization-n596957…uggests-hamas-rape-victims-check-their-victimization-n596957
She seems nice. In fact, she’s almost too cute by half.
Now, before we get too deep in the argle-bargle weeds of elite academia here, maybe you’re asking yourself (much as I did), “Vurt da furk is ‘sex exceptionalism’?”
Well, lemme tell you – to my...
Bidenomics Update: JOLTS Job Report Was a Bit of a Shock
Today’s preliminary jobs report – the JOLTS or Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey – came in well below expectations this morning. It was considered a big miss, with job openings “falling dramatically.”
Job openings tumbled in October to their lowest in 2½ years, a sign the historically tight...
'In Case of Grid Meltdown, Break Glass': Britain Now Issuing Supply List…meltdown-break-glass-britain-now-issuing-supply-list-n596803…meltdown-break-glass-britain-now-issuing-supply-list-n596803
ALWAYS better safe that sorry, right?
NEW – Stock up on battery devices and candles in case of grid meltdown, Britons told by UK deputy prime minister — The Times
— (@disclosetv) December 5, 2023
This warning from the government wouldn’t have anything...
Pointing the Fickle Finger of Blame: Why Did Elon Musk Cause All That Trouble in Ireland?…why-did-elon-musk-cause-all-that-trouble-in-ireland-n596735…why-did-elon-musk-cause-all-that-trouble-in-ireland-n596735
I tell you what – if there is a supernatural power in the flesh on Earth, it has to be Elon Musk. He seems to be the origin of and responsible for damn near every calamity and misfortune that befalls the plans of our betters.
If that’s true, I...
Chinese Feeling Their Oats on Two Thomas Shoals Again
John and I have both been keeping an eye on this China vs the Philippines (and rest of the Free World by extension) dispute over the islands the Philippines have always claimed which China has decided are now theirs. Just the other day, John covered another dust-up in one of...
Wait...WHUT Was That Reason We Didn't Get All the Female Hostages Back From Hamas Again?…nt-get-all-the-female-hostages-back-from-hamas-again-n596608…nt-get-all-the-female-hostages-back-from-hamas-again-n596608
As hostages trickled out of Gaza through a gauntlet of howling, jeering Palestinian/Gazan mobs – who, of course, are not Hamas supporters – relatives waited anxiously for the faces of captive loved ones to appear.
So let me get this straight, there’s not enough power for basic humanitarian needs...
What Have Aliens Done With the REAL John Fetterman...and Are They Willing to Keep Him?…real-john-fetterman-and-are-they-willing-to-keep-him-n596562…real-john-fetterman-and-are-they-willing-to-keep-him-n596562
Alrighty, then – it’s settled. The only thing to be determined is when exactly the…well. It wasn’t actually a crime, was it?
Let’s just call it an “abduction,” and it might have been a benevolent one at that.
The once lumbering, inarticulate, knuckle-dragging goon-ball stroke victim masquerading as...
They Might Want You to Eat Bugs, But They Would Prefer You Weren't Here at All…at-bugs-but-they-would-prefer-you-werent-here-at-all-n596061…at-bugs-but-they-would-prefer-you-werent-here-at-all-n596061
Back in January, I did a story on Jane Goodall. Someone I thought was the epitome of the schweet, uber feminine British flower, who spoke softly and risked her life nobly doing things like saving chimpanzees.
I mean, this is who I grew up with while memorizing the...
The Global Warming Outside is Frightful: UK Edition
It sure is a lucky thing King Charles and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak are lounging by a pool in Dubai for COP28. You know – expending their carbon footprint and all of ours for the next 300 years just to rattle on about saving the world, eat really good chows,...
You Newsom Thing Like This Was Coming: 'Hannity & DeSantis Are Cheater Pantses!'…this-was-coming-hannity-desantis-are-cheater-pantses-n595953…this-was-coming-hannity-desantis-are-cheater-pantses-n595953
Holy smokes – Gov Gavin Newsom’s excuse if he flamed out in last night’s debate was built right into the packaging he insisted on.
So how’d last night verbal rumble go for the oleaginous, smooth talking, Randall Flagg-lite from the Golden Boy state?
What I saw of his...
There's Money-Losing EVs and Then There's Luxury Losing Class
Whoa, got my gulp on for this one when I read it.
We’ve had really good discussions about the realignment in the EV market. How the truck segment looks really shaky, how Elon has been shaking up the sedan side of the house with his price reductions, and how...
Where's the Beef? No, Seriously - Where Did It GO?
On a day when Marines are supposed to be feasting on rare beef, and imbibing heavily to wash down cake at birthday celebrations, this was disconcerting news.
The United States is importing record amounts of beef this year and exporting less after ranchers slashed the nation’s cattle herd to...
When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Albanian Parliament Edition
So, like…I wasn’t kidding about the smoke part. European countries tend to do things with a little more flair than we do when disagreements arise. We’ve all seen the videos of hot-tempered parliamentarians pounding desks, waving arms, flinging chairs – or themselves – over tables at opposition members of their...
Happy 248th Birthday to My Beloved United States Marine Corps!!
Ah, the smell of it in the air. It’s like that first snap of fall after suffering through a blazing summer. You feel the change.
That’s how Marines are around the first of November. We get a little twitchy, a little giddy. FaceBook portraits change from the same, smiling...