Truism here: You’ve always got to watch out for the female of the species. The face presented to you does not always faithfully represent what’s going on inside the skull it’s draped over.
Take, for instance, a gamin, freckle-faced, tomboyish teen who looks so wispy a wee wind could blow her over. You could picture her at a county fair helping in the pie judging booth, or maybe she raised a champion Guernsey. Or perhaps she always rakes the leaves from your elderly neighbors’ yard for them, after she makes sure the Junior Girl Scouts selling cookies that weekend get safely across the street.
You know someone like her.
Or…I hope you don’t.
Someone who looks like this…

…but can be accused of doing things like this:
On Monday November 20, 2023 at approximately 7:54 a.m., the Merrimack Police Department received calls from employees at Elbit System, located at 220 Daniel Webster Highway, reporting protestors blocking the driveway and multiple people believed to be on the roof. The Merrimack Fire Department was dispatched as well due to a report of smoke coming from the roof.
Upon arrival, officers encountered a number of protestors blocking the driveway voicing support for Palestine. They eventually vacated the roadway and allowed responding officers to access the property.
…Evidence on scene suggests that the smoke was caused by an incendiary device similar to ones later located on one of the suspects. While clearing the roof, officers noted additional damage which consisted of more spray painting, smashed skylights, and damage to HVAC equipment.
Ross, Walsh and Shergalis were all charged with Riot, Sabotage, Criminal Mischief, Criminal Trespass, and Disorderly Conduct. They were all held on preventative detention and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court (South) on November 21, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
Sweet-faced thang. her pasty faced girlfriend, and third female comrade were quite possibly trying to burn down a building purely over Israeli military defense contractor connections…
…Protesters have previously targeted Elbit Systems locations in Massachusetts and around the globe, alleging that the company is involved in Israel’s military campaign.
Elbit’s parent company — based in Haifa, Israel — describes itself as “an international high technology company engaged in a wide range of defense, homeland security and commercial programs.” The U.S. subsidiary, Elbit Systems of America, works in defense, homeland security. commercial aviation, medical instruments and more, according to its website.
…knowing there were people inside of it.
How very Hamas-y of them.
Which is par for the course considering the delightful Ms Walsh’s apparent notoriety. She digs the crap out of those keffiyeh swathed butchers.
Calla Walsh was a “founding organizer” of an anti-Israel group that described posters raising awareness of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas terrorists as an “atrocity propaganda blitz & psychological warfare,” on Twitter in October 2023. The tweet also urged people to rip down the posters and praised anyone who ripped them down as “heroes.”
As of October 2023, Walsh was [00:53:03] a “founding organizer” of Palestine Action US, which describes itself as a “direct action network dismantling the US and Israeli War Machine to end the occupation of Palestine.”
Walsh, who also goes by Calla M. Walsh, has spread hatred of the police and America on Twitter, idolized a domestic terrorist and promoted a terrorist organization. Walsh has justified violence, promoted an anti-Semitic campaign and demonized Israel and Zionism.
Girl has issues.
Cambridge pig falls on his face while they attacked & arrested me + 8 other comrades protesting Israel’s biggest weapons company
— Calla 🔻 (@CallaWalsh) October 30, 2023
You know, it’s one thing to be a tough talking revolutionary LARPer online, maybe even break a window or two on the weekends…
…but to plan to incinerate people takes things to a whole ‘nuther level of hate-filled, batsh*t crazy that I really can’t wrap my head around.
🚨@Google has disabled our interactive target maps, but the map images from this thread still list and display locations for @ElbitSystemsLtd, their subsidiaries, and prime investor @BNYMellon
And we’ll make another map 🖕
— Palestine Action US (@Pal_ActionUS) November 18, 2023
So, how’s she get to be such a hardened radical by the time she’s 19?
Classic Dem Progressive. They start them very young. And, if they’re lucky, some of them learn fast AND hard. A few wil take to those lessons as naturally as Fidel to fatigues, especially if they luck into just the right sort of radical superstars for mentors. And the Boston area is chock full o’ nuts for impressionable young socialists.

Maybe it’s the Thunberg/Hogg effect. When children get outsized attention for being children, they have to keep ratcheting up the action if they want to keep the attention focused on them. Like, when you’re the subject of a gushing NY Times profile at the tender age of 17, implying you’ve amassed some magical political power to influence elections, what frail human child ego wouldn’t want to keep those plaudits and accolades going?
…“I’m thinking, ‘Man, politics is dirty,’” recalled Mr. Depelteau. He rushed home to fire back at his critic, a sharp-edged progressive who had dug up some of Mr. Depelteau’s old social media posts and was recirculating them online. But that, he discovered, was a big mistake.
“I didn’t know how old she was,” he explained. “I just knew she was a prominent person.”
That is how he became aware of Calla Walsh, a leader in the group of activists known here as the Markeyverse. Ms. Walsh, a 16-year-old high school junior, has many of the attributes of Generation Z: She likes to refer to people (like the president) as “bestie.” She occasionally gets called away from political events to babysit her little brother. She is slightly in the doghouse, parent-wise, for getting a C+ in precalculus.
Particularly important is the fact that the NYT is praising your ruthlessness. Your lack of concern for consequences and the full knowledge that there aren’t any by virtue of your age. You’re cute, clever, and cold-bloodedly adroit with a new platform of destruction. Why, you’re practically invincible.
…But the Markeyverse carried out a devastating political maneuver, firmly fixing the idea of Senator Markey as a left-wing icon and Representative Kennedy as challenging him from the right. They carried out ambitious digital organizing, using social media to conjure up an in-person work force — “an army of 16-year-olds,” as one political veteran put it, who can “do anything on the internet.”
They are viewed apprehensively by many in Massachusetts’ Democratic establishment, who say that they smear their opponents and are never held accountable; that they turn on their allies at the first whiff of a scandal; and that they are attacking Democrats in a coordinated effort to push the whole party to the left, much as the Tea Party did, on the right, to the Republicans.
Ms. Walsh, for one, is cheerfully aware of all those critiques.
In a podcast this spring, she recalled the day last summer when the Kennedy campaign singled her out in a statement, charging that negative campaigning online had created a vicious, dangerous atmosphere.
“I won’t lie, I was terrified,” she said. But then, she said, the fear evaporated.
“That’s when I realized I had a stake in this game: They are scared of me, a random teenager on the internet who just happened to be doing some organizing with her friends,” she said. “I think that made us all think, ‘Hey, they’re scared of us. We have power over them.’”
…The race had left them with a heady sense of power.…
Power goes to heads if the heads are not on straight. All signs point to “askew” in Ms Walsh’s case.
Calla Walsh: Markey to Martyr, Shaheen to Shaheed
— Jacob Alperin-Sheriff 🐵🍌 (@DemocraticLuntz) November 21, 2023
One of the words I see most associated in tweets concerning her arrest is “tankie,” which I have to admit is a new one to me. But it was coming from Progressives and still being used in a derogatory sense – I take it whatever her radical impulses, Walsh is not universally admired. It seems she’s too far off the Commie deep-end even for everyday progs.
Tankie is a pejorative label generally applied to communists who express support for one-party communist regimes that are associated with Marxism–Leninism, whether contemporary or historical.
Calla Walsh was dragged into a radicalization rabbit hole and managed to ruin her own life
Brain worms are a public health issue
— bob's burgers urbanist 🐿️ (@yhdistyminen) November 21, 2023
The bigger question is what is wrong with young girls and women today? Where does that switch get flipped that ultimately turns someone into a firebomber?
What I would be truly thrilled with would be if the police charged the trio with attempted murder. If you purposefully and knowingly start a fire anywhere on an occupied building, you are demonstrating your indifference to the possible fatal outcome. You’re an arsonist and a terrorist. Maybe the feds will come in with terror charges, God willing – but I won’t hold my breath. These are Biden’s and the Dems’ stormtroopers after all.
No, I haven’t a hope they’ll get hit with what they should, but if charges started being commensurate with acts, perhaps some of the white-girl lunacy would clear up on its own.
Suffering consequences has a way of doing that.
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