Results for: Beege Welborn

Biden doesn't want military promotions awarded on merit?
– I saw this late yesterday afternoon and I have to admit it is baffling to me. Biden Admin Opposes Merit-Based Military Promotions, Wants Provisions For Race And Gender President Joe Biden’s administration is fighting back against a new provision in the annual defense spending bill that would require...
On the eve of another St. Scowlypants doom deadline *UPDATE*
– Alright – this is going to be a relative quickie, offered purely as a public service announcement you understand. I felt it behooved me, as the self-appointed Green guardian around here, to warn you all of the impending approach of the edge yet another irreversible climate cult cliff....
Looking like a Brown out with UPS and Teamsters
– When last we saw the players in our skirmish, they had agreed to give it the old college go, etending the strike/drop-dead deadline for talks to July 5. UPS was making hopeful noises and the Teamsters’ head, Sean O’ Brien, was growling through clenched teeth. The extra time...
Sewage release: John Kerry speaks on why Ukraine War REALLY sucks…se-john-kerry-speaks-on-why-ukraine-war-really-sucks-n563688
– I’ll bet you thought for sure it was innocent lives lost, the suffering of the children, displaced hundreds of thousands of human beings swarming across the countryside, seeking succor and shelter – the toll on infrastructure and a country’s self-sufficiency. The existential very real threat to world peace. And...
Woke on the warpath: It's time to cancel...GUY FIERI?!
– I had to go some digging to see what all the hubbub was about, but yup – Flavortown about to go down if it’s up to the Left. BREAKING – Guy Fieri says Liberals Can "Get Over" his Love for Donald Trump and Kid Rock #UFC290 I...
POTATUS in England? Speaking of vegetables...
– Oh, I should have said “vegans,” but they’re all related. As our figurehead vegetable (vegetable figurehead?) makes his way to Britain to meet with the new monarch whose coronation he couldn’t be bothered to attend, students at one of Britain’s premier institutions of higher learning have made a similarly...
Whoda thunk? Rumor has it POTATUS really a cranky old geezer
– You could have knocked me over with a feather at this Axios exclusive – I mean, who would have ever guessed? Let me break it to you gently: Behind closed doors, grandfatherly, huggable Joe Biden is an IRASCIBLE, FOUL MOUTHED, CRANKY, BEFUDDLED SUMBITCH WHO YELLS A LOT....
Politico calls a waahmbulance: Conservatives already HAVE a "purge climate action" plan…nservatives-already-have-a-purge-climate-action-plan-n567812
– This is a pretty hysterical piece of political hackery here from Politico. I’m not sure how to characterize it, exactly – it’s kind of a woke/liberal/climate cultist call to action, all while upping the fragile Leftist scariness quotient. For that, they put Trump front and center in the headline, photo,...
Do EVs and car transport cargo ships mix when flames are involved?…r-transport-cargo-ships-mix-when-flames-are-involved-n567775
– That’s beginning be a bit more than just a hypothetical anymore. Nothing is more terrifying than a ship-board fire – now imagine one you can’t fight. On Wednesday, reports started flooding in that a cargo ship, the Freemantle Highway, was ablaze in the shipping channels 17 miles off an...
The alphabet soup sex set is just trying too hard
– I do believe we are at the edge of the beginning of the end of the transgender/87 fluid genders/gender’s-just-a-social-construct wars. How do I know, when I’m not a biologist (I only play one at HotAir.)? Because I am exceptionally perceptive, and can read the bones. Believe...
Bowe Bergdahl is a traitor and gonna walk scot free
– He is a confessed deserter. A traitor. I can barely type his name without spitting in disgust and fury. Bowe. Bergdahl. You can add this to the recruitment problem. FFS people. #FoxNews — cdrsalamander (@cdrsalamander) July 26, 2023 Everything about this...
SBF stands for Slides By Frequently
– Sam Bankman-Fried – SBF to the cool crowd – the fuzzy haired former bazillionaire crypto currency guru with the prepubescent looking girlfriend who, together, engineered one of the wildest financial meltdowns we’ve ever seen? He is in the news again and in the most top Democratic donor way possible.....
San Francisco notices drugs are killing people
– Somebody tripped over one corpse too many, I guess, and decided it was time to talk a little tougher? “As overdose deaths hit a record high in San Francisco, the city’s health department has a message: Stop or reduce drug use by seeking treatment.” SF Health Department Changes Its...
British Labour leader, whatever his Green faults, flawlessly defines "WOMAN"…r-whatever-his-green-faults-flawlessly-defines-woman-n567412
– The head of the British Labour Party, and a fellow who is already metaphorically measuring the drapes on No. 10 Downing Street, has done something so incredible for these times – especially for an uber Left political organization – that it’s got people literally gasping in disbelief. Whether your gasp...
Yellow freight looks like it's going under
– If you’ll remember from the UPS saga, Yellow was the smallish partial-load trucking company that the Teamsters were using to flex their muscle in an effort to impress UPS with the seriousness of their demands, as well as their willingness to play hardball. …But the numbers suggest the company’s...
Tourist advisory: Neckties are Taliban Kryptonite
– We are nothing here if not always aware that we owe our gentle readers the widest window on happenings in the world we can possibly open. In light of that solemn duty, and a recent, unexplained travel phenomena, I felt it incumbent upon me to fill you in on the...
Support for climate policies and the Green movement not polling so well in Germany…nd-the-green-movement-not-polling-so-well-in-germany-n567261
– I can’t imagine why not, when their hyper-restrictive, overly regimented life style devoted to saving the plant is bringing them nothing but happiness and prosperity. German manufacturing is down 12 straight months in a row Instead of a green energy "economic miracle," it got economic collapse, cold homes in...
The rush is on for rice
– Last week, in an effort to combat food price inflation at home – which is running at about 11% – the Indian government made a major move in the international food markets. They banned the export of their largest rice category – non-basmati white rice – hoping to cool prices...
Did you know POTATUS and the treasury gnome have spent 2 years negotiating a Global Minimum Tax?…have-spent-2-years-negotiating-a-global-minimum-tax-n567101
– I had not heard this. And what I am hearing is pretty disturbing as, unsurprisingly, it completely screws American businesses. It takes the concepts of globalism and equity, then combines them while surrendering our sovereignty over our own tax revenues. Basically giving it away. Does that sound about right?...
One more reason to hate EVs hits my inbox
– As if I “don’t get up every morning and curse them first thing,” you all are thinking, right? That’s so unfair. I’m not that bad. But I do have to admit, there are days like these when I’m not thinking renewables, wind turbines, solar or subsidies...
Excitement over: Looks like UPS came to the table ready to fold
– And just like that, the air goes out of the strike balloon. UPS and the Teamsters union representing 340,000 workers at the package carrier on Tuesday said they reached a preliminary labor deal that includes raises for both full- and part-time workers and narrowly avoids a potential strike...
Dr. William Allen exquisitely ripped Kamala a new one last night…allen-exquisitely-ripped-kamala-a-new-one-last-night-n566971
– The Vice President of the United States (and how it pains me to write that knowing who I’m referring to) is a liar. Extremists are pushing forward revisionist history. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it. — Vice President Kamala Harris...
So Chicago this weekend...hope you weren't there
– In my younger years, I remember the body counts they used to do from our losses in Vietnam on the news every week. More than make a point, I think they just became numbers to people numbed by the war. Unless, of course, you knew one of the numbers, which...
Holy smoke and mirrors: Solar panels THREE TIMES more carbon intensive than natgas?…panels-three-times-more-carbon-intensive-than-natgas-n566851
– Talk about being sold a bill of duds. Michael Shellenberger (that wonderful, courageous man) had a serious of tweets this afternoon and I could not believe my eyes. People say solar panels don't produce carbon emissions, but they do. And now, a major new investigation by Environmental Progress, drawing...
How's that little UPS/Teamster tussle going?
– When last we saw our protagonists, both sides had stormed out of contract negotiations in a huff. …UPS was making hopeful noises and the Teamsters’ head, Sean O’ Brien, was growling through clenched teeth. The extra time got them nowhere. Both parties walked out, with each side waggling...
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