Results for: Beege Welborn
Taking wagers now: What red line just stops the Just Stop Oil whackos?…w-what-red-line-just-stops-the-just-stop-oil-whackos-n562546…w-what-red-line-just-stops-the-just-stop-oil-whackos-n562546
There is so much to speculate on here about “what stunt is the stunt too far” for these self-centered lunatics to pull.
Being prone to reacting with a prompt “I have had enough of your Schlitz/Oh, NO, you don’t,” I find the British reticence to beat the crap out...
Base-ah-bah-roo - red, white and blue
There are things you miss when you’re on active duty and deployed. Shoot, you can NOT be deployed and still miss birthdays, holidays, that kid walking for the first time because of duty or operations, whatever – but at least you’re still HOME.
But when you’re out on a...
De Beers gives Botswana 50% of diamond production
This is quite a story on its face.
Botswana will increase its take of the diamonds De Beers mines there from 25% to 50% in 10 years’ time, part of a deal that extends the company’s relationship with the country while loosening its hold on its output there....
Russia butting heads over Ukraine grain deal
Ukraine grows enough grain to feed 400 million people, and the shock of the Russian invasion – with the threat of that food source being suddenly cut-off – was enough to send global food prices skyrocketing. It also engendered a food shortage panic that hasn’t quite subsided to this day,...
The #mathz says 9 years to make that new EV greener than your car…ys-9-years-to-make-that-new-ev-greener-than-your-car-n562221…ys-9-years-to-make-that-new-ev-greener-than-your-car-n562221
If the only reason you’re thinking about buying that snazzy, expensive, battery-operated vehicle to show-off in your driveway is because you believe you’re doing the right thing for the planet, fuggedaboudit.
The clean and green news just keeps getting worse for these electric money pits, no matter how desperate...
Mayor Adams calls former Nazi refugee a "plantation owner"
Eric Adams, mayor of New York City, has a problem.
It’s his opinion of himself.
It’s really quite high and, frankly, he’s overrated.
He’s also a prickly, racist ass when his “tool cool for school” mask slips.
One thing he can’t handle, which he shares with...
Woman can define "woman": Former employer owes her damages for "gender-critical" belief discrimination…er-damages-for-gender-critical-belief-discrimination-n561788…er-damages-for-gender-critical-belief-discrimination-n561788
Four long years of abuse and litigation have come to a just end for Maya Forstater this afternoon.
Congratulations to @MForstater, who receives over £100k in compensation from @cgdev, who were found to have discriminated against her due to her gender critical beliefs, which, as her case established, are worthy...
40,000 extra cops didn't save a single car in France last night
And I said “France,” not “Paris” because why?
Carbeque fever is spreading like crazy.
With the start of the violent protests Tuesday, they’d mostly been confined to the “blue collar, immigrant majority” suburb where the young man lived whose death sparked it all. By last night, even...
IL State Supreme Court all in on no-cash bail - perhaps it's time to bail out of Chicago?…no-cash-bail-perhaps-its-time-to-bail-out-of-chicago-n565795…no-cash-bail-perhaps-its-time-to-bail-out-of-chicago-n565795
Yesterday, the Illinois State Supreme Court drove what might be the last nail in Chicago’s coffin, if not eventually the entire state’s.
After halting the measure at the last moment before it came into effect on January 1 of this year, they have issued a decision that the...
Lurch leaves cozy China climate confab with coal in his carry-on…cozy-china-climate-confab-with-coal-in-his-carry-on-n565708…cozy-china-climate-confab-with-coal-in-his-carry-on-n565708
[Cue: sad trombone[
Oh, man. That hound-dog horse-face. All that carbon emitting, globe-trotting effort?
After decades of climate policy flops, Kerry’s effort to secure a climate deal with China falls short yet again
— Net Zero Watch (@NetZeroWatch) July 19, 2023
For naught....
POTATUS totally cuts off Wuhan funding we totally weren't funding to begin with…uhan-funding-we-totally-werent-funding-to-begin-with-n565622…uhan-funding-we-totally-werent-funding-to-begin-with-n565622
Now, I AM blonde and well known to be a tad on the daffy side, but this “announcement” was truly confusing, because…
The funding that was previously denied to have existed has now been stopped. Nothing to see here, move on.
Biden cuts off funding to Wuhan Institute...
Female recruit finds male still in possession of his dangly bits showering with her disturbing…ion-of-his-dangly-bits-showering-with-her-disturbing-n565503…ion-of-his-dangly-bits-showering-with-her-disturbing-n565503
This was bound to happen sooner or later, and to my jaundiced eye it seems much later than I’d anticipated. The revolting situation is almost as I’d envisioned.
An 18-year-old military recruit forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration’s transgender policies is complaining about...
NYC's MTA: Welcome to the jungle
Mass Transit Authority – has a real official ring to it doesn’t it? Like someone who knew something took charge and made something happen to officially fill a community need.
That might be true somewhere else, but in New York City?
What a disaster. (And if...
New York State still on power trip to nowhere near enough power…ate-still-on-power-trip-to-nowhere-near-enough-power-n565380…ate-still-on-power-trip-to-nowhere-near-enough-power-n565380
Just a couple months ago, I wrote a post about New York State’s collision course with dark and cold. The fact that their powers-that-be were busy mandating all sorts of Draconian new regulations, mandates, and shutdowns, all in the name of saving the planet from the miserable cretins who inhabit...
Civil Air Patrol middle aged white dude just so darn over "middle aged white dudes"…white-dude-just-so-darn-over-middle-aged-white-dudes-n565251…white-dude-just-so-darn-over-middle-aged-white-dudes-n565251
You know what?
I’m over him, too. And every last bespectacled smart ass just like him.
This is video from 2022 that’s just resurfacing now and it’s kind of amazing how this fellow – who has since retired – was the canary in the woke mine.
Colonel Mark...
Tesla truck intro has Ford cutting prices
Kind of interesting that Tesla’s calling this a truck, but it looks wicked cool, regardless.
And they seem to have a fair share to go around.
Cybertrucks Everywhere##Tesla #Elon Musk $Tesla##Cyber truck
— Alice (@Alice_8193) July 13, 2023
I had a good time in...
Wouldn't it be a hoot if FBI HQ moved to Huntsville?
The Federal Bureau of Instigation Investigation has been agitating for a new headquarters – had you heard? The concrete behemoth the FBI has been operating out of since the Ford administration is supposedly “crumbling.” Lord knows it’s much too small to contain all the agents and skullduggery machinery it takes...
Is Germany's legendary industrial base looking for the exits?
This was quite an eye-opening article here.
Germany’s biggest companies are ditching the fatherland.
Chemical giant BASF has been a pillar of German business for more than 150 years, underpinning the country’s industrial rise with a steady stream of innovation that helped make...
When do the "rape" and "child sex trafficking" retractions/apologies start?…nd-child-sex-trafficking-retractions-apologies-start-n564652…nd-child-sex-trafficking-retractions-apologies-start-n564652
There was a breaking news story a week ago that caught our attention, involving, as it did, a Marine, Camp Pendleton, a 14 year old girl, and allegations of rape and sex trafficking.
All we could think was HOLY SMOKES and hope it wasn’t what it sounded like.
Christmas in July: Crusty Claus cancels $39B in student debt
Since the Supreme Court put the kibosh on his original student debt cancelation program two weeks ago, the Joe Biden White House has been scrambling to come up with an alternative plan to pacify the pissed-off minions who had been anticipating escaping their obligations free-of-charge.
It would seem Biden...
All your face are belong to us
Here’s a wrinkle I didn’t see coming. We all pretty much know Hollywood writers are on strike, right?
And that the Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) has been threatening to go out as well?
SAG-AFTRA’s national board voted unanimously this morning to launch the guild’s first strike...
Department of Doom and Dumber: DoD tripping all over themselves lately BREAKING: WH calls up reserve troops for Europe…m-and-dumber-dod-tripping-all-over-themselves-lately-n564408…m-and-dumber-dod-tripping-all-over-themselves-lately-n564408
What a freakin’ clown show – the circus is in town, and that town is Washington, D.C. While it’s hard to pick a bigger Crusty than the one currently embarrassing us across Europe, the dim bulbs revolving in orbit around him are keeping the proverbial porch light on back here...
Budgets blown: Wind not exactly the net bargain they advertised
If the chickens wouldn’t get hacked into a million tiny, bloody bits, you could certainly say they were coming home to roost on the Green fraud that is wind power, wind turbines, renewables, wonk, wonk, wonk. In particular the offshore component, which is billed as the least invasive, biggest savior...
CPI notes: Biden's draining off the SPR like a giant with a straw…idens-draining-off-the-spr-like-a-giant-with-a-straw-n564223…idens-draining-off-the-spr-like-a-giant-with-a-straw-n564223
I just thought I’d point that out.
SPR numbers also out today.. We started draining the SPR under trump. trump sold 57 Million barrels.Joe has sold 291 Million.This was supposed to be for emergencies.. but it is keeping the inflation number down.
— Frog Capital (@FrogNews)...
Slow boat to Africa: Why you might not get your stolen car back in New Jersey…you-might-not-get-your-stolen-car-back-in-new-jersey-n564167…you-might-not-get-your-stolen-car-back-in-new-jersey-n564167
A few days ago, we saw a blurb on the news about a cargo ship blaze at Port Newark which had tragically claimed the lives of two firefighters.
As major dad has spent time on numerous Navy ships and been through the shipboard firefighting course at...