Results for: Beege Welborn

Code Pink Fixin' to Misbehave in NYC Tomorrow Evening
– Honestly. These little Nazi/fascist/Jew-hating/terrorist sympathizing groups are getting a teensy bit tedious, aren’t they? It’s like they can’t stand watching someone else get all the bad – and I do mean BAD press. So they’re scrambling like mad to schedule their own version of a massive adult temper tantrum and...
FAFO Warning: Marine Corps Commandant Edition
– This week is always difficult for Marines. The memory of the Beirut bombing is one of those sores that never heals. It’s a betrayal that you never fully learn to deal with if you were active duty when it happened. You keep the memory alive both to honor your fallen...
Cretinous Students Glorify Hamas "Martyrs" on GWUs Library Facade…tudents-glorify-hamas-martyrs-on-gwus-library-facade-n587474
– This wasn’t exactly a “hold my beer, Harvard” moment from the Jew-hating vermin infesting George Washington University. They’re not clever enough nor bold enough for that, although they do enjoy plenty of privilege in their own right. Nah. They were merely indulging their worst instincts and displaying them...
Someone Pulled the Chair Out From Under Emmer
– The circle jerk that is the race to be Speaker of the House has taken yet another twist. As of this morning’s double-double super secret balloting among Congressional Republicans, out of the 7 candidates who made themselves available, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) found himself victorious on the...
Bowser Realizes D.C. Stands For Destination Chaos
– Maybe the times, they are a’ changin’. As with so many aspects of life in these United States one wouldn’t ordinarily want doing so, the crime statistics for the nation’s capital are going nowhere but up. …Meanwhile, the District is reporting year-over-year spikes in homicides (up 33%), robberies (up...
Ain't No Privilege Like the Harvard Privilege
– Once upon a time, there was a hallowed aura about even the word, “Harvard.” People might kind of snicker at replicating that atrocious, grating Massachusetts accent while saying it, but it was still “Harvard.” And you weren’t getting anywhere near it. It was one of those...
US Bases in Syria Under Attack?
– Our isolated bases in the Syrian desert and oil fields at al-Omar and al-Tanf seem to be having a bad time of it tonight if current reports are true, and the commander in chief’s sudden interruption of a press briefing is any indication. Joe Biden breaks speech to head...
Common Cause: Germany Waves "Auf Wiedersehen" and the Swiss Swing Right?…many-waves-auf-wiedersehen-and-the-swiss-swing-right-n587036
– The tie that binds? Voters are tired of “immigrants.” Germany is having a real time of it lately. Besides the Greens getting shellacked over bankrupting their citizenry while driving the country into the Dark Ages – and I do mean dark – one of the most cherished aspirational goals...
40 Years After The Marine Barracks Bombing: We Have Sacrificed To These Savages Before…s-bombing-we-have-sacrificed-to-these-savages-before-n586877
– THEY CAME IN PEACE The local residents have been slaughtering each other for centuries on that little slice of Mediterranean coastline from Lebanon to Gaza. This killing spree was no different, except, this time, the United States Marines were sent in. Not as avenging angels, but to keep the...
There's a Little More to the "Army Pvt Hops NORK Border" Story
– Holy smokes. We had a feeling there was going to be some backstory to this when it happened. No one in their right mind – even if they’re described as a little slow – hot foots it over the border to North Korea unless there are desperate reasons why. It’s...
Newsom v DeSantis: Crime Dawg Edition
– Here at HotAir, we’ve covered California’s rapidly deteriorating quality of life on a pretty regular basis. San Francisco is always ripe for post material plundering, with its off-the-wall, no-holds-barred brand of insane progressivism destroying the city in real time. Every day, when the Standard or Chronicle email hits my inbox,...
Barbie, Cue: Song of the Sows
– Among the odds and ends of the newsletters I get, there’s a pretty neat little agricultural one that shows up a couple times a week. I subscribed mostly for the information on poultry, both for background for posts here and big dreams of maybe someday having a couple chickens in...
POTATUS Off the Hook: Scotland Wants Gaza Refugees
– As if things weren’t peachy enough in Scotland, with wind farms, skyrocketing electricity prices, mandating heat pumps and forced upgrading of the insulation in your wee crofter’s cottage. The list is long and ignominious of what humiliations, disgraces, and suffering the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) has subjected their citizens to....
Drone Attacks Not So Brilliant When They're Aimed at OUR Troops
– I hope everyone who hooted and hollered about the brilliance of the Ukrainians using drones against Russian troops and assets will find it in themselves to experience a sober moment of reflection. And prayer. Because it’s our kids in uniform – in incredibly remote, unfriendly places – now...
#Bidenomics Update: Tesla Lost a Hundred Billion Dollars in Market Cap Almost Overnight…ndred-billion-dollars-in-market-cap-almost-overnight-n586063
– So…um…OUCH. $100 billion of market cap gone in one day! $tsla — Josh Young (@Josh_Young_1) October 19, 2023 Tesla had their third quarter earnings call last night and it was a tough one all-around. Screenshot Finbold News It sure seems as if Elon’s feeling the...
There's Another Reason All Bond Villains Are Europeans
– You know, besides the obvious one. That Ian Fleming was British and every supervillain of the 21st Century had a vaguely German accent. But there’s another. It’s that these guys are really maniacal control freaks and creepy AF in real life. Fleming wouldn’t have to imagine a Le Chiffre...
GM Ain't EV Truckin' at the Moment, Either
– Thanks to HotAir member John for the heads up on this one today. I’m not sure if it was inevitable, or exasperated by the United Auto Workers continuing walkouts, but here it is. General Motors is “delaying” the opening – supposedly by a year – of their shiny new...
The Homina Homina Homina Hamas Hospital Hoax
– In any public relations battle, whatever the truth might actually be, the key to winning is getting your story out and loudly FIRST. That way, even if in the right of it, the other party is playing clean-up and on defense from the get-go. No one does this better...
Tesla Wins in Trial Over Autopilot Crash
– There’s a huge chunk of good news out this afternoon for Elon Musk and his cutting edge electric vehicle company, Tesla. In a closely watched trial in California over responsibility relating to a 2019 crash, a jury decided that the autopilot on the Tesla in the accident was not...
Nothing Says 'Halloween' Like Bud Light Trying to Claw Its Way Out of the Grave…ke-bud-light-trying-to-claw-its-way-out-of-the-grave-n589115
– Global beverage giant Anheuser-Busch InBev, parent company of such brands as Budweiser, Corona, Stella Artois, and many other notables – including the late and unlamented Bud Light – held their earnings call last evening. And, while they did beat expectations across their international business, the dead elephant in the room...
Should Be Obvious to Anyone Sane: Why the Dallas Mayor Crossed the Party Road…one-sane-why-the-dallas-mayor-crossed-the-party-road-n589068
– Last month, Democratic Dallas mayor Eric Johnson rattled some cages nationally when he declared the “Big D” no longer applied to him. He wasn’t referring to the “D” in Dallas, but the one in his party affiliation. As of this moment, the mayor asserted, I am a Republican....
Some Parents Surprised to Discover Joe's Not Forgiving the Loans They Took Out…discover-joes-not-forgiving-the-loans-they-took-out-n589012
– This was very interesting as I had never heard of these loans before. It sounds as if parents who availed themselves of the program in order to, as one quote said, “finance their children’s hopes and dreams” are wishing they hadn’t. Maybe should have settled for a less...
CA Having the Darnedest Time With Electricity
– The magic juice. It ebbs, it flows, sometimes it just dang shuts off. Old timers in Southern California – like we were, having lived in Orange County during the golden 80s decade thru early 90s – love to tell the youngsters of today about the times they’ve never really...
VA Goes to Vote Next Tuesday - Are Dems Sweatin'?
– I had an interesting article that dovetailed with this in the headlines yesterday. I thought it would make a good jumping off point for a discussion of the overall picture in Virginia, and how close the state’s races are. Especially as it was a local paper, from a wee, tiny...
'Jewish Voice for Peace' Poster Girls Are the Bomb
– In the first place, the name of this “peace” organization – Jewish Voice for Peace – is just the saddest lie, as JVP funded and run by the WORST people. I do mean the worst. One of their biggest donor’s starts with George and ends with Soros,...
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