Results for: Beege Welborn
D.C. Council votes to lower criminal penalties on carjacking, gun possession, burglary…inal-penalties-on-carjacking-gun-possession-burglary-n511813…inal-penalties-on-carjacking-gun-possession-burglary-n511813
If you thought it sounded like it was fun there now – just wait!
Washington DC council voted unanimously to 'lower sentences for burglaries, carjackings, and robberies….reduce penalties for illegal gun possession, including for carrying a pistol without license and for being a felon in possession of a firearm.'...
San Fran trans to get city-funded guaranteed income program
I didn’t see this one coming, but you’re right – I should have. Because who are we talking about here, you know?
San Francisco mayor London Breed – literally, the mayor of Crazy Town.
It's the first guaranteed income initiative to focus solely on trans people, and will provide...
Jumping the researcher: Shark Week lacks "diversity"
For the record, this is so NOT a Babylon Bee story. In fact, in would have been better had it died in darkness. But I guess someone making a whole lot more money than I do decided it had something to do with democracy, because that’s who published it. Even...
Sinking ship: U.S. manufacturing orders from China collapse
There’s a headline.
Manufacturing orders from China down 40% in unrelenting demand collapse
Shipping companies are already reacting with “blank” (canceled) sailings and reallocating cargo shipments (“vessel utilization”) to make sure they have full boats before they pull out of port. All this is raising hell with the...
In chaos there is profit: Old oil tankers aren't headed to scrap any more…rofit-old-oil-tankers-arent-headed-to-scrap-any-more-n515801…rofit-old-oil-tankers-arent-headed-to-scrap-any-more-n515801
Never let a manipulative deed go unpunished, as the old saying might be manipulated into saying.
On Saturday, the European Union was patting itself smugly on the back, secure in the knowledge they had accomplished two of their prime objectives. Their Price Cap Commission had come to agreement at...
Biden denies Florida emergency expanded Sheltering in Home Recovery FEMA funds…ency-expanded-sheltering-in-home-recovery-fema-funds-n515646…ency-expanded-sheltering-in-home-recovery-fema-funds-n515646
Dealing with the aftermath of devastating Category 4 Hurricane Ian, the state of Florida quickly realized it didn’t have enough shelter for all the displaced residents who needed a safe roof over their heads. On the 7th of November, the Division of Emergency Management sent an urgent request to Thomas...
California all set to pony up reparations and...HOW much was that again?…t-to-pony-up-reparations-and-how-much-was-that-again-n515213…t-to-pony-up-reparations-and-how-much-was-that-again-n515213
If there’s one thing California is good at, it’s spending money, and whoa dog, are they lookin’ to outdo themselves this time! Another of Governor Newsome’s terrific initiatives – a “reparations” committee he formed…
…The work of the Reparations Task Force, which was created by legislation Gov. Gavin Newsom...
EU Green Revolution looking brown around the edges: VW warning on EV batteries and French blackouts…dges-vw-warning-on-ev-batteries-and-french-blackouts-n515082…dges-vw-warning-on-ev-batteries-and-french-blackouts-n515082
Life comes at you fast when you don’t think things through before you jump. That seems to be the cold, dark, and hungry lesson the European Union is facing – but not necessarily learning – at the moment. They have run smack up against the consequences of their headlong charge...
Thing o' beauty: Harvard professor reams corporate wokesters on CNBC…harvard-professor-reams-corporate-wokesters-on-cnbc-n514986…harvard-professor-reams-corporate-wokesters-on-cnbc-n514986
Wow! What a moment THIS was. There’s a whole lot of truth packed into that minute and twenty-two.
.@ArthurBrooks on corporations going woke:
"We need to tell CEOs…3% of your employees are activists…blowing up your Slack demanding that you get involved in a culture war and make political statements....
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a railroad union freight train?…end-of-the-tunnel-or-a-railroad-union-freight-train-n514755…end-of-the-tunnel-or-a-railroad-union-freight-train-n514755
Things are not looking so rosy for the old “most pro-union president” in our lifetime. After Biden’s premature victory party in September, admission of zero personal involvement in the intervening months, and his weak-kneed punt to Congress three days ago when push came to shove…
As a proud pro-labor...
Everyone seems to be all a Twitter
Talk about “panties in a wad,” as they used to say back up on the mountain when I was a teenager. Elon Musk simply has everyone losing their collective minds over his recent purchase, his consequent actions and the things they find objectionable about him owning Twitter are truly bemusing....
ADP private sector November jobs report in and...oh, dear
Was it only a month ago that someone was, yet again, stuffing an ice cream cone into his maw and snapping back at a reporter’s question?
“Our economy is strong as hell.”
The brakes came on abruptly for the private job market in November.
Wait, whut?! Biden's Nantucket Secret Service rental vehicles burst into flames…ket-secret-service-rental-vehicles-burst-into-flames-n514285…ket-secret-service-rental-vehicles-burst-into-flames-n514285
Is this the Babylon Bee or a message from above? However ominously bizarre, it’s apparently legit.
President Biden’s rented Secret Service vehicles burst into flames in a parking lot Monday, just one day after he left his Nantucket vacation.
Biden spent Thanksgiving on the ritzy Massachusetts island with...
Throwing freedom hammers no longer: Apple is Big Brother
Remember THIS Apple?
I hope you have a tear in your eye for a bygone fond memory. Because now they’re the folks who write the words for the guy on the screen to read.
The colorless drones in prison suits on benches are allowed...
Preparations begin for a rail strike
Rather than wait on negotiations to succeed – or fail – or for Congress to step in at the last minute, some industries are already starting to take matters into their own hands as far as the transportation of their products. They are beginning to shift what they can, where...
Next up fighting NYC crime wave? Preventing landlords from doing criminal background checks on prospective tenants…ng-criminal-background-checks-on-prospective-tenants-n513877…ng-criminal-background-checks-on-prospective-tenants-n513877
They voted themselves in a couple of gems, these New York City folks did. Between actually electing Kathy Hochul to continue her reign of incoherence and incompetence, coupled with their already in-situ fashion plate, empty-suit city chief executive, Big Apple dwellers might as well save time and just beat themselves...
Thanksgiving sales numbers strong but behind the numbers is shaky…sales-numbers-strong-but-behind-the-numbers-is-shaky-n513792…sales-numbers-strong-but-behind-the-numbers-is-shaky-n513792
By the end of this Thanksgiving holiday weekend, American consumers are expected to have blown tens of billions of dollars and set spending records. Strong online Thanksgiving Day and record-setting Black Friday sales…
…Consumers spent a record $9.12 billion online shopping during Black Friday this year, according to Adobe,...
Sleeping with the fishes: Aquarium at the Berlin Radisson bursts…th-the-fishes-aquarium-at-the-berlin-radisson-bursts-n518364…th-the-fishes-aquarium-at-the-berlin-radisson-bursts-n518364
I thought I’d lighten things up a bit for a Friday evening and I found this whopper of a fish story to share.
As fish tanks go, I’m not kidding – it was a whopper.
A huge aquarium in Berlin burst early on Friday, spilling 1 million litres...
German Green Energy fantasies are bleeding cash and failing fast…energy-fantasies-are-bleeding-cash-and-failing-fast-n518296…energy-fantasies-are-bleeding-cash-and-failing-fast-n518296
The news on German energy never gets any better. It seems as if they lurch from miserable New Age renewable schemes to desperately throwing cash at the flaming remnants trying to mitigate the fallout, then lather, rinse repeat. In the meantime, for all the promises of greener pastures, the wind...
Recall: Is the Big Easy bigly over LaToya Cantrell?
For the first woman mayor of America’s Third World and Proud of IT City, New Orleans’ own LaToya Cantrell has packed a whole lot of controversy into the last couple of years in office. It seems the powers inherent in “large and in charge” went to her head, and voters...
Yellen into the void: I'll have what the Secretary's smoking, please…the-void-ill-have-what-the-secretarys-smoking-please-n518001…the-void-ill-have-what-the-secretarys-smoking-please-n518001
Whatever it is – man. It has to be some primo stuff, unavailable to the peasants who toil in America’s fields and farms and who, thanks to Joe Biden, can no longer afford what sundry pleasures they used to enjoy themselves.
Besides being a whizbang financial genius, did...
Vlad muscle flex: Russians load nuclear YARS missile
This is a big show here, and a legitimate question is “Why?” Although, in all honesty, this time of year is a favorite for Russian to parade the goods in any event.
…Russia is building up to more nuclear showboating as it marks the annual Strategic Missile Forces Day...
Expensive winter of discontent: UK roiled by labor strife, inflation…er-of-discontent-uk-roiled-by-labor-strife-inflation-n517743…er-of-discontent-uk-roiled-by-labor-strife-inflation-n517743
It is shaping up to be miserable winter for everyone in Europe. A rocky first few months of governing for new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak are threatening to become a disaster, as the U.K. tries to buttress its already fragile economy against proposed labor strikes and walkouts in every...
Say what: Patriot missiles to Ukraine?
No, no, no – you have GOT to be kidding me. Escalation, anyone?
Pentagon preparing to send Patriot missile system to Ukraine
It’s the most advanced air-defense system in the U.S. arsenal. The plan follows weeks of Russian bombardment on the country’s electrical grid
For an administration that is...
Rep Nancy Mace speaks flaming truth to Congressional LGBTQ witness…speaks-flaming-truth-to-congressional-lgbtq-witness-n517548…speaks-flaming-truth-to-congressional-lgbtq-witness-n517548
Or should I call them “witlesses” after what she puts them (one particularly) through in this scorcher of a video.
I’ll set the stage first, if I may. Nancy Mace is the Congresswoman from South Carolina’s First District. She sits on the House Committee for Oversight and Reform,...