Results for: Beege Welborn

CBO considering "means testing" for VA disability payments among other nasty ways to cut spending…lity-payments-among-other-nasty-ways-to-cut-spending-n538663
– There are some interesting suggestions in the Congressional Budget Office’s ideas for paring operating expenses, in particular, the Veteran’s Administration. Reading one of them late last night was pretty alarming – it discusses adding a “means test” or income threshold to veterans receiving disability payments. The Congressional Budget Office wants...
Xi and Putin sitting in a tree, S-M-I-L-I-N-G
– Do you know what you get when you have a POTATUS vice POTUS sitting in the White House and occupying the chair normally held by the leader of the Free World? Well, you get excruciating moments like this here at home. In 20 years, we're going to look back...
The Dalai Lama has to apologize for whut? WHUT?
– OMG. I need a shower. Knock me over with a feather, this is so revolting – and right now of all times – I. CAN’T. EVEN. A video from February has surfaced of the Dalai Lama and a young Indian boy at an event. If he will do...
San Diego county supervisor sex scandal blowing up big time
– Back in January, I painted a little picture for you of what a socialist, woke hellhole the formerly idyllic San Diego had become. Between banning natural gas, proposed mileage taxes, and rigging the scales so the votes of Democratic supervisors and their reps from populated sections of the county were...
Oh, by the way - longshoremen shut down 2 CA ports today
– This could potentially not be fatal, but certainly, it’s not good. …All cargo is stopped and trucks are not being admitted to pickup or return containers and chassis. No activity on-dock or work being done on ships. Potential major labor issue brewing at the Ports of Los Angeles and...
Awesomesauce: It's been a bad week world-wide for windfarms
– Man, tell you what – this is one area I love nothing but bad news for the principles involved, and did I ever get it. I hardly know where to start, but Down Under’s not a bad place to begin. They’ve got a massive wind farm planned for what...
Their only default is violence: Riley Gaines attacked, trans female planning school shooting arrested…acked-trans-female-planning-school-shooting-arrested-n542306
– Has Riley Gaines ever lifted a finger to harm anyone? As angry as she is at what the trans activists and alphabet cabal are attempting to do to biological women – which is marginalize and wipe them from memory – has she ever raised a hand to assault one of...
Kirby on Kabul: Chaos? What chaos?
– There he was today, at the podium – one of the most shameless, unctuous, nakedly ambitious liars who ever wore a uniform – and I am gobsmacked at what was slipping from his mouth. Not him. He had quirky personal charm. I’m talking about this SNAKE....
Kiss your gas goodbye
– All is takes is a bunch of vocal lunatics ruining their own states, and the horde of howling monkeys rattling the cage bars is enough to scare the rest of the sane people away. That’s essentially what’s happening in the natural gas world right this very second. You may...
On the road: Biden classified documents scattered from CHINAtown to Delaware…ified-documents-scattered-from-chinatown-to-delaware-n542043
– Let’s just say it – it’s been good to be a Biden. Damn near better than being a Clinton, because Bill and HIll had people hounding them about this and that almost from the beginning. If she’d been a bit more likable, like Regular Joe, maybe that wouldn’t have happened....
White House still cool with 5 yr olds whacking private parts, FL and IN are "NOPE"…5-yr-olds-whacking-private-parts-fl-and-in-are-nope-n542019
– This whole exchange here, between the French Lady and the reporter at the press conference today, should be mind-blowing in its inherent, casual, callous evil but? We’re sadly getting kind of used to that out of this White House. The official position of the White House is that if a...
Husband of recently resigned tiny Scottish tyrant arrested
– It’s ALWAYS the money with the worst of the Progressives, isn’t it? Swear to Gawd – that’s what always trips them up, one way or the other, from the Clintons to AOC to Bernie, the list goes on and on. This time it’s the husband of former First Minister...
Tech millionaire stabbed to death on San Francisco street
– It happened at 2:35 Tuesday morning. Absolutely horrific. Bob Lee, founder of Cash App and the former chief technology officer of Square, was identified as the man stabbed to death early Tuesday morning near downtown San Francisco, according to his current employer, cryptocurrency startup MobileCoin. Officers responded...
Randi Weingarten celebrating her Chicago mayoral win
– You didn’t know the gnomish head of the American Federation of Teachers was on the ballot, did you? What’s actually going on in Randi’s mind: “Now that I have the mayor of Chicago in the palm of my hand, I will have even more power and influence!! And more money...
Strongest economy ever looking a little shaky
– Since there are lots of other, flashier items in the cycle today, I’ll do an economic round-up of dreariness. Maybe you won’t notice it and that way I can’t make anyone feel any worse. In the banking sector, J.P. Morgan/Chase’s Jamie Dimon made some news with his annual letter...
FAFO edition: TN legislature playing hardball w gun control protest members…ature-playing-hardball-w-gun-control-protest-members-n541608
– Yee dawgs and little fishes! There’s a knockdown, drag-out fight broke out in the TN legislature today and it all has to do with the anti-gun protests last week. A quick little background refresher: five days ago, in response to the horrific school shooting rampage by a transgender murderer...
Head of Bud Light marketing definitely not a "WASSUP"/bayou frog type…ht-marketing-definitely-not-a-wassup-bayou-frog-type-n541554
– OY I caught a glimpse of her – and it is a “her” – in a tweet that hurtled past when all this weekend’s Mulvaney insanity erupted (which David covered handsomely)(and, yes, ‘handsomely’ is sexist and I don’t care, so there). But never was she seen again in the...
EPA trucks along with whacko California and diesel be a real mess…ong-with-whacko-california-and-diesel-be-a-real-mess-n541331
– 15 years ago, in what was, essentially, a different world with a brighter future, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) enacted regulations mandating the installation of mileage and pollution control devices on what they considered to be pollutant heavy vehicles. They had a semi-reasonable phase-in plan all set to go...
No Happy Meals today at Mickey D's corporate HQ
– McDonald’s corporation had teased this news to some extent in January – “corporate restructuring” and all – …In late January, McDonald’s revealed a slowdown in lower-income customers ordering fewer items. The company has asked all franchisees to raise menu prices slowly, or it would create a price shock....
Chinese spy balloon that was totally blocked from gathering intel was totally gathering intel…ked-from-gathering-intel-was-totally-gathering-intel-n541266
– I love how everything we watch and figure is totally happening that we get told totally isn’t happening turns out to have totally happened. Without fail, every. Single. Time. Take the case of the meandering Chinese “just an errant weather balloon.” The casual American citizen, watching from the...
Fang Fang's lying boy toy has had a rough week
– Eric Swallowell Swalwell, ne’er do well congressman from California and documented Fang Fang philanderer stepped in it again today, of his own volition. Well, okay – it’s always his big mouth that does it. But you think after the whuppin’ he took from MTG, he’d cool his jets a...
Fed judge stomps on Bragg like Godzilla on Tokyo
– I sure hope Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg enjoyed his moment in the afterglow of the Trump indictment a couple of weeks ago. It was a different story for the B team yesterday in front of U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil. She was entertaining the arguments Bragg’s...
16 and 17 yr olds arrested for Dadeville mass shooting
– What a waste. What a disgusting, horrific, God-awful waste of young lives. BREAKING: Two suspects in last weekend's deadly shooting at a Sweet 16 birthday party in Alabama have been arrested, authorities say. Both suspects are from Tuskegee. They are 17 and 16 years old. — CBS...
Dead man walking: Big city commercial real estate
– The pandemic work-from-home era may have started the demise of the city office space, but the Biden administration’s spending spree is surely going to finish it off with its resultant inflation and shaky response to a teetering banking system. Where the trend for decades had been building bigger,...
ATF head "I'm no firearms expert" - can't define assault weapon but wants yours…ms-expert-cant-define-assault-weapon-but-wants-yours-n544694
– Well, there we go. Add another dumb-as-a-log name to the Biden dumpster fire administration. We have a SCOTUS justice who can’t define what a woman is, federal judge nominees who can’t answer simple law questions, an FAA nominee who had no idea what aviation was, a Secretary of Transportation who...
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